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Everything posted by Driftit

  1. Mine had been serviced and had about 4L of oil missing. It's still going with no issues. Just be weary if you get a shudder. It's probably low on fluid because it was filled incorrectly.
  2. Driftit

    E34 'Ronin'

    Nice work. I'm getting closer to getting started on my neglected E34. Bringing it back up to scratch for race events. Some good motivation seeing other people working on E34's.
  3. I don't think that comes in bulk packs here. Penrite 10tenths comes in 20l packs. Even as a sponsor Castrol gave us next to no discount. Greater savings waiting for supercheap auto specials. I've moved away from Castrol due to their bottle sizes. Penrite comes in 5,6,7,10,20L.
  4. Will take a look. I think it will come down to shipping.
  5. Brake pads for spirited driving? I usually go with ATE rotors and pads but the exchange rate and shipping is a joke right now. So I got a deal on Brembo fronts and techstop rears from Exedy. What street pads would you throw at them if it was your choice. These I don't mind ordering from overseas.
  6. Wasn't this car quite low spec for a F10 535i. I feel like it didn't have any motorsport options and some cheap aftermarket wheels.
  7. Yup. Building up some patience to attempt it once again on the wife's S13. After drilling holes all through the floor to add driveshaft hoops, seat mounts, belt mounts. Removing suspension that isn't branded even though it's superior quality to the sh*t that does pass. Standard brakes that the certifier doesn't like the feel of.. Its got to be designed so you give up right?
  8. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    BTW it actually has active map moderators for NZ. You can make edits via the web browser log in. And you can mark things via voice. e.g. Hey Google report Police, or report pothole etc etc.
  9. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    This is why I wish there was more Waze users in NZ. Radar detectors are mostly useless if your the only car on the road. In the US that cop would have been marked on the map and Waze would have warned you. Saved my ass a number of times on the i95. And saved me from hitting a Highway couch a few times too. I think I am 1 of about 5 users in the Wairarapa. 😢
  10. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    Does not surprise me. I've been through 6 claims in 4 years.
  11. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    Two more windscreens down. 1 on the AMG and 1 on the E87. Would love to see the insurance stats for windscreens claimed in NZ.
  12. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    They built a great highway to get past it
  13. Yeah I will be honest and say I am not likely to ever join another series with my car. The change in safety regulations and track cost increases have put an already expensive sport even further out of reach. There are far fewer track days thanks to the closure of Puke and sale of Hampton and Taupo. And Playday On Track has pretty much been killed off due to this. Even silly things like I am not able to go passenger in a car without a roll cage to teach them how to get around the track anymore. But if I did want to take a passenger in a car with a roll cage they are required to have the same safety gear as me including Hans device. Just so you are aware. It is not as easy as it once was.
  14. I actually just received this a few hours ago too. https://mailchi.mp/racetech/free-freight-december-16829944?e=29ee258ff0
  15. Take a look at Gforce racing gear out of the US. It's the cheap end but good enough quality for track days. A speed shop I purchased a bit of gear through while I was there is OG racing in Virginia. The do ship to NZ.
  16. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    We tried to get our 200sx certified. The guy didn't like the way the ABS felt. Factory stock standard late 80's Nissan ABS. He would not issue the cert until we sorted it out. It functioned 100% the way it should have. But he didn't like the way it felt... Still not certified 7 years later. Just can't be assed dealing with all that BS again.
  17. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    You could be doing warp 10 and some tosser in a ute will be pissy about it. Ranger Danger is real.
  18. Classic Cover. They even cover my currently laid up racecar and all it's spares for like $300 a year.
  19. I have those wheels. Absolute assholes to clean and keep clean.
  20. Yup someone really stuffed up there. Could have almost been a 1 in front of that.
  21. Scour Facebook marketplace for a good deal. So many people buy all the gear but have no idea and sell up. Been watching Mike from Stanceworks on YouTube build his K series powered Ferrari time attack car. He does some printing with this stuff. Pretty cool. https://store.bambulab.com/products/petg-cf
  22. Times have changed. More than one person talking about the worst spec E30 there is.
  23. I was going to comment that I don't like grey interiors...
  24. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    They do a smaller plate now. I see all sorts of junk like Rav4s and Rangers with them.
  25. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    Bad timing to need a full set of rotors and pads. Shipping is the most expensive I have seen to NZ and so few places don't charge GST at the transaction now.
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