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Everything posted by e30ftw

  1. I was running a one way valve from an m50 when I fitted to my m52. Idea is it keeps the brake booster under vacuum when car is off. Mash the pedal a few times and you lose the pressure anyway
  2. Nah your probably going to change the angle by like 2 degrees.. No biggy. That is strange though, Mounts look in pretty good shape.
  3. How about a picture of your engine mounts? They must be farked
  4. What e30 is this and with what motor?
  5. Just double checked mine, That plastic sleeve makes it look deceivingly longer when it's taken off. Not sure what is up with that though, I had ample room for mine even with M52 headers which sit alot closer than e30 ones. Weird.
  6. Oh right. Still looks way too long compared to ones I have seen. I had one 2 months ago wasn't that long, it did have the black plastic cap over it too but it's very similar in size to the e30 one if you have it to compare
  7. Something looks wrong there, the steering input shaft on the rack looks like it is stick out way too far than most racks. What car was that rack from again?
  8. SOLD
  9. You use the e30 manual gearbox corss member, if you are using an e36 gearbox. Also what gearbox are you using will determine which shifter / driveshaft.. And you NEED to cut and weld the exhaust manifolds, they must be m52 stainless ones not the m50 cast ones as they don't fit around the steering collumn. There is soooo much information on this swap http://www.e30zone.net/e30zonewiki/index.php/Engine_Swap_-_M5x
  10. Do you have the ground from oil sump to chassis? Have missed that in the past and the starter doesnt crank. But yeah as above, a faulty CPS will still crank you just won't get any Spark.
  11. e30ftw

    Quick rant thread.

    Those annoying oil changes when the damn filter won't come off..
  12. Mine has the same in the touring with retrofitted aircon. Was sitting in the engine bay under the battery tray. Looks dodgy as f**k
  13. e30ftw

    Quick rant thread.

    On the subject of mail... i've lived at the same place for over a year and a half and I still receive mail for like 10 - 15 previous tenants. Redirect your bloody mail! Goes straight in my bin.
  14. Just check turns on both. One with the black hook on the spline is definitely a e46 rack. Other looks e36. E36 is 3.4 turns. The only ones worth bothering is e46 clubsport rack, 3 turns lock to lock or z3 2.7 turns. More expensive but I'm sure a e36 3.4 turn and whatever the other is makes an improvement over the 4 turn e30 rack.
  15. Yup that's exactly what I ended up doing. Was following some UK forum write ups and some on here too, which had a custom e36/e30 hybrid. You do kinda notice the steering wheel gets a bit more rattle but nothing major.
  16. e30ftw


    Work in CBD, Live in Brooklyn. Didn't notice anything other than a typical rainy day.
  17. I bet that's how they looked when ya bought an E30 from factory. Dat fresh leather.
  18. They are $150US on the website and also has swapped options. http://www.red46.net/store/p6/Sump_Armor_-_BMW_E30.html I'm sure if you bought multiple ones shipping wouldn't go up too much either from buying a single one, just depends on weight.
  19. Oh really, weird haven't heard of that before. Where do the pistons sit at TDC compared to the top deck, wouldn't longer rods push them too high over? I've found a set now too, rods crank and pistons.
  20. Bit of a dent in that left sill, otherwise nice shape. Not many worthwhile parts though
  21. e30ftw

    318i coupe

    Is that required for M62 swaps, or is that purely for a better drive line angle sitting engine lower?
  22. e30ftw


    This car was a thrashed piece of sh*t when it was owned down in Wellington. He's obviously swapped out all the cosmetic stuff like ripped seats etc. Wouldn't touch any of his cars though after seeing some of his other buy and sells. Buy cheap, swap all the cosmetically obvious then resell at a higher price. (Edit- That's not to say it may have had a complete go over and is now a well built car, just my opinion)
  23. Pretty sure if you used the cams and trays from the M50 NV head, and the front timing cover plate from the NV head once you have removed the VANOS unit, it would be the exact same.
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