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Everything posted by Apex

  1. People who list SMG, DSG, ETC or what ever other transmissions on Trade-Me as Manual.
  2. a. There is no such thing as a PFL IS lip b. There is no such thing as a PFL IS lip
  3. Spotted a nice Silver jap import e39 540i Motorsport in Papakura last night out side Satay Noodle House (Satay Supreme for me), was siting on BBS CH reps, had some detailing, M colours in the grill and a trade-me black and white BMW badging. Overall looked very clean and looked after / loved. Was realisation that the facelift E39 Motorsport in the right colour (Silver, Red or Blue) is a timeless car.. as are BBS CH's. Well done sir, I did see you get out but didn't want to be that awkward guy that starts up a conversation about your car... that can go a few ways, they either think you are gay, you are awesome car enthusiast and want to chat, they get embarrassed and don't want to talk... or they just give you a bank look and don't realise what they are driving.
  4. It was not withdrawn, I hear he was offered big money from one of the top local BMW race teams (can't name names) and sold it elsewhere. A shame, I wanted whatever brakes it has on it, if they can brake that much horse power they must be awesome. Thinking Carbon Ceramic at the very least, possibly Titanium Nickel Coated for less BHP loss to the front wheels.
  5. I am not sure what seeding is other than a spelling mistake... something to do with gardening? But. I would disagree that speeding over 110kph is dangerous at all in a modern performance car with a competent driver.
  6. Haha, 110kph normally, I ned my licence for motorsports. But it's cornering you can have fun with, rotating a lesser car with no brakes or tyres around corner is fun, window down, seat of your pants. That's fun on the road. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 286BHP when new and considered a Supercar. Scary how little that is these days when a stock Holden Commodore has more power. I would be calling Brent Hartage and asking where he found the extra ponies in his, would have to get it up there!!
  8. One of the most interactive cars I have driven in a long time was a old Peugeot 205, it was a $900 car, but so involving an fun at relatively low speeds, we are taking within the seed limit. In my RS, and I love my RS, I have to sit between 130 and 150kph on a backroad to get that same thrill, and the Police don't like that. Steering feel is there and its still tactile, but you just find yourself doing very silly things that you simply wouldn't in a normal car, its all very anti social. I think the E46 could still be enjoyable at much lower speeds... that is soul. Good post. A direct experience I had was jumping in the Toyota GT86, not many affordable cars with that much feedback and enjoyment. Not fast at all but very nice to drive at relatively low speeds. The E90 with the aids off didn't feel crazy to me, was still a heavy old reassuring BMW to drive.. I could see how you could put it into something backwards though, I changed to third mid sweeper at a decent speed (top of second) and it wanted to step out on me. It somehow wasn't that polished, still raw enough to give you a semi, especially that engine. IMHO you could not go wrong with either and they will both be as enjoyable.
  9. They are really good, have purchased a few sets. Some have arrived in less than a working week.. Look out for what they have on special also, have seen some killer deals over the years, I once got a set for around quarter the local cost.
  10. Shipping is reasonable I thought. Can someone tell me what the GST threshold is? Have always thought you could make a saving if you placed say two orders separately, i.e. two tyres at a time. Thoughts?
  11. VASK is a good place to have a look around. At that millage you should be looking at everything. Service book will tell a lot. Like any brand, if preventive maintenance has been carried out it should serve well.
  12. Oh, I'm more into single mums, and replace the Lamborghini Aventadores with the two Mitsubishi FTO's I managed to start a race with on the Southern past Manurewa whilst listening to classic hits on my oem stereo .. oh and I only spend $70 on dinner and I don't have a swimming pool. Apart from that, its much the same as that video. Have taken a chick on a date in my race car once, nailed a duck on the drive, smashed my bumper, got airborne a few times and she didn't vomit...must have made an impression as she tolerated me for about a month before she had a mental break down. True story. haha. Better living everyone.
  13. Depends on what you are after. Random thoughts. IMHO the E46 is near perfect, has great proportions etc. The E90 has that V8 though, and that V8 is a nice thing.. feature wise, you gain I-Drive, but its old I-Drive so it would come down to what you were into. E90 is obviously a newer generation car, meaning its easier to get in and out of and more comfortable day to day. The E46 would be a better buy if depreciation and resale are a concern, I think a well specked and looked after E46 M3 is about rock bottom at the moment. Unless you want SMG/DCT, the later model car is a better drive day to day.
  14. E30. Its the best. It just is. Not just for what it is, but what it was when new.. and that is how I judge cars. E46 second for me, the E46 was the last model that held up to being more premium than the competition, it was also the end of an era where cars were allowed to have a thirsty inefficient engine, heavy controls, less safety dictating styling, less practicality dictating styling, etc... IMHO anything newer is just a overpriced Hyundai *.. *with the exception of proper M cars, they will always be a bit special, but this is a platform ranking.
  15. Or there is this. Not bad, NZ new, smaller car. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/audi/auction-810026220.htm
  16. I hear that this is your reflection if you drive a black S8. Its a $8,700 option and needs replacing at 90,000km
  17. This video pretty much sums up my Wednesdays..
  18. Apex

    Clarkson Sacked

    But Jay would just stand around and talk about the cars rear louvers and double pump choke for half the show. Needs to be an Englishman. Harry Metcalfe could do it, as could a few of the people from EVO, its about the only trustworthy publication out there. I say let it die. The current format is almost dead anyway, I have not watched an actual TV for well over a year, don't even have an arial.
  19. Apex

    Clarkson Sacked

    cripted, staged, etc... that Patagonian special showed the extent of the support they have on the "specials". The gags were all a bit cringe worthy, horn inside the car, etc, etc.. The show itself is still a lot of fun though. Agree with driftit, get Chris Harris in there to shake it up, but for that to work you would have to get rid of James and Richard, no huge loss IMHO, neither do a lot for me in terms automotive journalism and both are really just side kicks. So, who would be the side kicks? Un knowns? Rebeca could be good... gjm, on 25 Mar 2015 - 4:02 PM, said: I ask the question. If a Co-Worker punched you, would you press charges, or be a man and punch him back, walk away, let management/HR sort it... theoretically Clarkson in this case is the boss. I don't know. Maybe its just a sign of the times and how PC everything is.. I just feel this would not have been a big deal as little as 10 years ago... but as Michale says, it could well have happened multiple times already. And on that bombshell. There is only one person to replace him. Me. But I am already the Stig so things could get tricky.
  20. Apex

    Widebody E32

    That is boss. With the right rims, in gloss black. Winner I think.
  21. Apex

    Clarkson Sacked

    It would be cool to see them do their own show... if they were motivated?? They are all very wealthy. I just got the feeling the last few seasons have just been re hashes of the same old crap... the jokes forced. On an off topic. Michael, your signature. You do realise Citroen did that in the 1950's right? I love Lexus and other luxury brands press statements etc, especially when the brands didn't exist less than 50 years ago. I remember driving a new at the time LS430 with electric assaulting air vents and the guy telling me it was new tech... he was bummed when I told him Mazda was doing that in the mid 80's... same with BMW and Mercedes their "head up displays" Nissan were doing that in the mid 80's also.
  22. Apex

    Clarkson Sacked

    A shame. Although it was getting a bit stale. RIP Top Gear.
  23. You need a very high testosterone level to want to keep banging an old fat women that doesn't wear makeup though. Just saying. I am all for honesty. Do I look fat in this? Yes. She will either dump you, or eat a lot less that night saving a lot of money at the restaurant.
  24. I actually brought up this question up at a large table on the weekend (wedding) Concluded that: a) Car should look reasonably nice, be reasonably new and have a nice interior. b ) Motorbikes make women get a funny feeling inside. c) Unless you are well into a relationship, like a year or so, (a) goes out the door and is irrelevant if you are a confident reasonably good looking dude that dresses well and is fun. d) Red wine at weddings will always lead to interesting conversations, flirting, sexual assault allegations and uncomfortable confusion the next morning.
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