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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Crazy low volts! Mines at 1.28v for 4.8, 1.32 for 4.9... starts to get warm though even with a 360mm AIO and not delidded. Its been running at 1.28v since new, happily. I amazed 4790ks can still hang with the big dogs (kind of!), on things like FS2020 at 4k its very much GPU bound still with a 2070 super.
  2. Im over here still rocking my 4790k@4.9Ghz like a boss 5 years on Zen 3 and a big navi are probably in my future next year, once the rush is over and pricing settles down.
  3. Toyota make so many small shitboxes with terrible names, Ractis is something like Recreation Active Sports... I dunno about the Toyota Isis... Was looking at a later model S ractis as well, which come with orange stitched sports seats and get rear wheel disk brakes, but the interior space on the later ones has nothing on the earlier generation so common sense won on the day..
  4. Ractis done, just got to sort out sign writing now. 1st gen racti, stupid large cargo area (thing is like a tardis) with fold flat rear seats. 1.5 big block, flappy paddle 7 speed gearbox, TRD exhaust and Koni sports struts and springs, and a couple of JDMAF subs under the front seats
  5. White auto LCI with bent chassis rail on faceballs for $1k at moment, looks like a decent parts car
  6. Done a lot of reading about the modern Caddys... lots of DSG failures and turbos going pop...
  7. Pondered around a few car yards today, whenever I do Im always amazed at the terrible condition of cars a few years old and with odos with 5 digits on the clock. $50,000 cars that need a respray to fix... Didnt find a VW caddy, but found a shed load of Ractises (Racti?), the first generation has MUCH more cargo space than the newer ones. Seems pretty much on point with what I want, now I just need to find a white one (for sign writing) in 1.5l with flappy paddle gearbox (S trim... sporty!).. will keep looking into Caddys too.
  8. Off to bunch of dealers today to sample the market of small shitboxes to move strangely shaped boxes.
  9. Im running cheap ones of amazon, have been for about 3 years work sweeet as Cost like $40 for both or something silly. D1S 8000k is all that written on the generic white box.
  10. What are VW Caddys like, the 1.2 Tsi things?
  11. The 90s definitely were peak for fun cars... wonder if In 20 years will be saying the same thing about 130s for 6k I sold my very tidy shiney and straight R32 Type M manual coupe for 6k in 2001.... Was curious as to what they are worth now... https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/nissan/skyline/listing/2826175107?bof=XDmkazNd
  12. Id code SPBR and see the difference, the actual volume of the caliper is probably similar to the 6 piston caliper bmwp ones.
  13. Ractis looks to fit the bill too, probably cant go wrong with vitz running gear ?
  14. Heya, Im after a company work hack. Ideally a small van or panel van or even a ghastly little mpv thing, deisel would be nice if solid engine and not garbage. Auto/Manual dont care. Doesn't have to be huge, but the stuff I haul around for work is quite tall so doesn't fit into your average ute with a canopy etc. Things Ive been looking at include Daihatsu Materias/Toyota Bb/Cubes/Suzuki Carryall APVS (even a Nissan Scargo would work...) etc etc.. I hate myself but need to find something... Suzuki APV currently appeals the most, but I know nothing about them. Anyone had any experience with small hacks like this? (or willing to admit to it?)
  15. Jacko

    E61 Wagon Project

    OIl cooler seals?
  16. More people joining the cool kids club, pics or it didnt happen.
  17. Bastards putting boxes on it my bonnet and watching them slide off....
  18. Manual box and an LSD! That looks like a really good buy, all the options but PDC and headlight washers, and low ks.
  19. Jacko

    BMW vin checker

    Bastards - https://www.newtis.info/tisv2/a/en/ Big grills, shitty FWD CUVs, and restricting information access. Todays BMW suck.
  20. That is really cheap for a DMF kit! I often look at Rockauto but for some reason the parts prices I look at dont appear to be much cheaper if any than FCP etc Im not sure if P&S will have the gear to do the N52 rear crank seal or not? Its probably worth asking them first just incase, they were really good when I visited them, but I dont think there are many workshops in NZ who actually pull apart N52B30s (because they dont break ? ) The procedure to do it is up on newtis.info, but it looks like the sites been closed down!!
  21. I run Castrol React Performance DOT 4, Which is essentially the same performance as DOT 5.1 ( and much higher than average DOT4 at 180/260c ), totally happy in BMWs and cheap as chups https://msdspds.castrol.com/bpglis/FusionPDS.nsf/Files/B0F5626B0EB98D0B8025843C00213662/$File/BPXE-9VCL2X.pdf
  22. With the right box fluid you really cant tell the difference, its definitely not harsh. When the stock box fluid is hot you get gear chatter running a SMF, other than it it's not really any different. I went SMF to give options in the future, like getting it lightened etc, and running different clutch plates. Feel free to hit me up and compare it to the DMF, Im down in conifer grove. Rear crank seal is a big job, requires specialist sealant and tools. I look at doing mine then fell back to - If it aint broken dont fix it
  23. Can really only be the clutch or flywheel if its doing it when car is stationary ? The valeo SMF kit is good...
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