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Everything posted by KwS

  1. The viscous units arent that bad. It doesnt suck that much power from the engine, and it moves a TON of air. A good viscous unit should only be engaged when it needs to move air, otherwise itll be freewheeling.
  2. Saw that [E DIRTY] E30 this morning. I dont E30, but i really liked the look of that one.
  3. Surely it would've imploded sooner had it not been well kept?
  4. a couple of years ago i got $6500 for my manual converted msport 323i with a touch over 80,000km on the clock. The 323s arent very desirable, especially in auto. Was mint inside and out on 18" CSL reps.
  5. KwS

    Quick Questions

    you kinda need a puller or risk snapping the arm
  6. Yup, different seller (the winner of previous auction), same car. http://www.trademe.co.nz/812421256 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:RQE-HH8xKSMJ:www.trademe.co.nz/motors/cars/bmw/auction-812421256.htm+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=nz&client=safari http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/51367-e36-mtech-touring/ Regardless its a great looking car.
  7. wow, impressed to see that someone has been actually using the car and not just leaving it sitting in a garage. Its going to be a damn small market for someone to take those KM on though.
  8. Reserve isnt 15K, i wonder how far off it is. Looks nice but i find it hard to justify that much for an old E30 that isnt an M3.
  9. with the N43 i dont think youre ever really going to "sort" the problems...
  10. $400 to get them to stamp a bit of metal with a plate number you already have? Yeah f**k that monopoly.
  11. Call it fate and walk away imo.
  12. it'd be perfect if it was a coupe....
  13. Ive heard a few officers in Auckland are trained to know the visual difference and will target plates that arent legit. Its nothing to do with them being "dicks", its their job. The risk of having your plates taken and the fine associated with it is just one of the things you live with when youre using illegal plates.
  14. Its a replacement nav disk drive unit in the boot. There are a few changes from what ive seen, that need to be done. http://e39source.com/archives/797
  15. Should just flash the trans with the Alpina B3 software
  16. spotted a calypso E31 in town, had a noisy exhaust and big gold wheels. Looked and sounded good, not often you see them around.
  17. You werent an active buyer anyway Ron, so no one cares.
  18. i didnt even read the listing text
  19. Shame its an auto. See a red manual ix touring around welly a lot, pretty cool in a geeky anorak way.
  20. The v10 does nothing for me, much rather the V8.
  21. Best of both worlds? http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-833510914.htm
  22. Its nothing to do with "hating" or "purity" or any such rubbish, its all to do with you having illegal headlights which blind the sh*t out of other drivers coming towards (or driving in front of) you in the dark. Its illegal, and its stupid. I would be "hating" on you no matter what you drove, it just so happens its a BMW on a BMW forum. I couldnt care less about angel eyes, i think they look sh*t on E36 but its your car and your choice. HID on the other hand... read above.
  23. unless the suspension is adjustable or the car is under 100mm off the road it wont need to be certified. I dont see any modification there that would cause issue.
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