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Everything posted by KwS

  1. Ah this old kettle of fish. Cant afford a mechanic, so will give it an uneducated bash, make it worse, and then have to pay to fix it anyway. Same story, different thread/forum.
  2. Ron has spoken in the past about some costly service items, namely brakes having a short and expensive life span iirc. Its actually something he seems to have some legit knowledge on.
  3. as mentioned, some countries have adopted a zero alcohol tolerance. I dont see why kiwis feel its their right to consume a mind altering substance and then operate an automobile. Having a low tolerance is nicer to the public than zero tolerance, so no one really has a right to complain. Disclaimer: I have a one beer or wine before driving limit, have never exceeded that, and have never failed a breath test. I drink infrequently, and will often opt for non-alcoholic beverages if i know im driving.
  4. HA! Good luck with that, even with Uber they would rather fight it then actually become competitive.
  5. I dont care what the story is when it comes to drink driving, absolutely anything they can do to get drink drivers off the road is a win in my book.
  6. KwS

    Cops & Plates

    Thats really weird, what sort of car was it? Cant see any reason a commodore would need a sticker plate.
  7. im clearly in the minority in thinking PY and Kiwi is a great combo. Only one better is black with kiwi interior. I hate those painted factory wheels with a vengeance though. IMO it sounds looked after, with some rather marmite modifications, but as long as there is proof of the work done and the boot floor is still intact it wouldnt be a bad buy.
  8. lol, i was averaging about 14l/100km but i used all 311hp each time i drove it.
  9. I didnt choose to go 4kph over past the speed camera. no, i chose to watch the road, traffic around me and the bucketing down rain instead. I shouldnt have to watch my speedo that closely, instead of watching for all the numerous hazards. 10kph tolerance is plenty and rarely exceeded in my case, but 4kph is a twitch of the needle.
  10. but if they were doing 6kph less, they wouldve stayed in their side of the road, and lived! Geez, its not that hard!
  11. loved the engine in my late 350gt sedan, shame the rest of the car was a letdown. GLWS, shouldnt be hard to sell a tidy one like that.
  12. Oh pull the other one. Thats a 12kph combined increase in a head on, it wouldnt make a lick of difference, but its impossible to prove with normal stats because of the variation in car safety features and pure luck. Im with Dave on the whole "speed" thing. In the stats, what criteria makes "speed" a factor, exceeding the limit by a single kph? I find it hard to believe that there are many crashes where speed alone was a factor, where the car was traveling under 20kph over the limit (under 20kph over, there will be other factors, like driver talent running out, bald tyres, alcohol etc). That then becomes excessive speed, which can be dangerous.
  13. That green one has been on TM for yonks, since 2014 apparently. Its not badly priced, so makes me wonder why no one has taken it yet. I wouldnt trust that its not running properly because its been sitting, thats a load of crap. Get it properly inspected before purchase. I also have the feeling it was previously a forum members car? The 36/46 debate is a hard one. I really enjoyed my E36 M3, but i would take a well maintained E46 M3 any day. better engine, better chassis, better comforts. More issues to worry about in the 46 though, and pretty terminal ones at that.
  14. Not just BMW tbh, quite a few brands carry crank pulley/balancer on the shelf in NZ. We get a couple of requests a week for Mitsi ones, and most of them (unless something super old and obscure) will be available locally. Rubber ages and comes apart, no surprise at all.
  15. Struck off the companies register June 2015, not a good sign.
  16. KwS

    MissBM V.2

    its also interesting to note that some of the brand new AMG C63s are coming through with Dunlop Sport Maxx now. Cant be a bad tyre if they're factory fitting them.
  17. i can 1-up these photos.... http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/rover/auction-1008110256.htm
  18. Im not in Auckland, so i dont know who that is (and the name doesnt sound familiar), but if a workshop takes 2.5 weeks to incorrectly diagnose an issue.... IMO they're looking in the wrong direction.
  19. ill bet the KM is putting most people off
  20. the missus been doing too many one wheeler peelers?
  21. it'd be cheaper to chuck the car on a trailer/transporter and send it somewhere reputable like Glenn, than to keep scatter-gunning parts at it with someone who doesnt know what they are doing.
  22. KwS

    FS: Dads E30 325i SE

    Its a great looking car, not often you see such tidy and original examples around anymore. Not even the drivers seat is torn! Someone is going to get a bargain, i just hope it goes to the right home and it doesnt get ruined.
  23. My M3 vanos was sticky due to a varnish-like oil buildup (and i suspect, lack of use). Took some decent scrubbing to get the splines to move smoothly again. Are you running any sort of engine flush through it? Its risky due to the posibility of moving some large chunks and blocking passages or the oil pickup, but hell, if its just crud like in the photos it might help break it down a bit?
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