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thorburn last won the day on November 4 2016

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122 Excellent


About thorburn

  • Rank
    5th Gear
  • Birthday 05/23/1989

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  1. Doesn't state what material it is but it does say it is weldable. Not sure if the cert man is asking for a lab grade spectrometer to check what the material is.
  2. Cut n paste from the lvvta cert threshold doc ▪ the springs or shock absorbers are direct replacements, and:  replacement springs are contained within unmodified OE seats throughout full suspension travel; and  replacement springs are self-retaining in their seats at full extension, without use of non-standard devices such as wire-ties, straps, or external spring locators; and  replacement springs have not been heated or cut; and  springs and spring seats are not height adjustable by any means (unless OE); and  suspension maintains sufficient travel for safe operation; and  suspension components maintain sufficient clearance from unmodified bump-stops when fully laden; and  a minimum of 100 mm ground clearance (un-laden and without driver) exists below any part of the vehicle structure, or any steering, braking or suspension component (does not include such items as exhaust pipes and exterior body panels that do not contribute to the structural strength of the vehicle); and  the normal relationship between front and rear suspension height is not unduly affected; and  clearance is maintained between all components, when tested from lock to lock at full droop; and  suspension retains at least 40 mm of rebound (droop) wheel travel (Note 6). Note: Strut or spring spacers always require certification. Note: The only other allowable methods of adjusting vehicle ride height without LVV certification are leaf spring blocks (as per below requirements) or adjustment of OE equipment (torsion bars or OE adjustable air suspension). Note: When determining if there is sufficient suspension travel remaining, consideration must be given to the vehicle being in use and fully-laden. Note: Sufficient clearance must be maintained from the travel-limiting bump stop (not an OE spring aid). The spring aid and/or bump stop must not be modified. A spring aid is a low-density conformable material that is fitted inside a coil spring or above a leaf spring by a vehicle manufacturer to assist the spring, and acts as the bump stop only once it is fully compressed. The spring aid may be contacted at any loading condition to increase the vehicle’s spring rate, but the vehicle must retain sufficient wheel travel. A bump stop is a small high-density rubber bumper that is designed to stop vehicle suspension or driveline components from coming into contact with the vehicle structure at the extremes of its suspension travel, and is not designed to carry the load of the vehicle for sustained periods of time. Note: Rebound wheel travel should be measured as the difference between the distance from the top of the tyre and the wheel arch with the vehicle resting on the ground, and the top of the tyre to the wheel arch with the vehicle lifted so that its tyres are clear of the ground (suspension hanging in full rebound). This difference must be greater than 40 mm. Note: A vehicle can be LVV certified with less than 100 mm ground clearance provided that there is sufficient suspension travel.
  3. Which clutch and flywheel are you using?
  4. Single owner NZ new. Full service history. All the bells and whistles. Heads up display, bigger msport brakes, motorsport bodykit, heated seats, etc. Was mainly used for trips to Tauranga and Rotorua. Has developed an issue with the camera based driver assistant system. (KAFAS) Adaptive cruise control, auto headlights, lane assist are effected. Car still runs and drives fine. Currently sorting repair. Will sell cheaper not repaired Has some minor curbing, some stone chips on the front bumper(very minimal) Listing on behalf of my Dad. Has just had a pre purchase inspection done by Coombes Johnston bmw. Happy to send a copy. Can be viewed in Hamilton. https://www.trademe.co.nz/4758143269
  5. 1. Depends how you want to do the crank case ventilation. Think the only other part is the throttle body. 2. I think I've swapped and changed willy nilly. M3 filter housing fits both so surely should work. 3. Sorta depends on how close it comes to the plastic and gasket. Which turbo, manifold and downpipe are you going with. I haven't got a working turbo e36 so I'm just keyboard bashing Are you wanting the m50 loom because you've got a pnp standalone that needs it?
  6. Weitz has just listed one
  7. 420g has different size input shafts for the e36 and e46
  8. I'm in the same boat with needing a 6 bolt driveshaft back half. The back half cv joint is the same as what a few other bmws use. One example is an e53 diesel. From memory it's just a little too long.
  9. I've got kilmat saved in my bookmarks from long ago. Seems to have good reviews. Unsure how economical it is vs dynamat nowadays
  10. What part of the country are you in? There's plenty of options. Every one that I've ever dealt with has their own material. Edit: oops should have read the title... Wellington
  11. I find it alot easier to get em profile cut. If you aren't capable with cad some profile cutters will do it for you for a bit extra
  12. What's wrong with having the clutch fan? Doesn't hurt anyone to ask for that money. Someone might decide its worth that much to them.
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