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C-130 Hercules

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Everything posted by C-130 Hercules

  1. Saw this game on another forum.Objective: Take a picture of your car with the criteria of the previous post. List another challenge after the picture. Nothing dangerous or which could be interpreted unlawful. Challenge: Your BMW at a car meet Next Challenge: Your BMW in front of a museumPlease post only if you have completed the challenge. Thanks for playing!
  2. I have Bilstein Sport but can't remember the cost.
  3. $70 for both rear (square) speakers? Any other e30 m3 parts?
  4. I am sure this is just a demonstrator. Soft side standard. Hard side extra.
  5. Are the rear speakers available separately and if so in good order?
  6. Thought there might be a market for these at the moment. No affiliation
  7. Interested in the E30 window mechanism. Pm you.
  8. Search for 'rugged' under mobile phones on trademe. Some good options by the looks.
  9. e28 M5 should definitely feature.
  10. Looks a tad too light for Macao blue. More interior pics will be interesting.
  11. Unfortunately the write up is pretty poor. Tells me the crowd bringing it in don't really have a clue about what this car is except that it will potentially earn them a bit of lolly. Would be nice if it was all stock for that price tag.
  12. E30 m3 in hearse configuration for that last special moment...
  13. Not a BMW but worthy mentioning - followed 'Rene' the Tinman this morning. Nice seeing it in the metal. Reference picture:
  14. Premium rear speaker pods?
  15. Some cool vids - he is still on fire
  16. Dragonsbreath 

    Hi Christian

    I have a set of wheels that have badly baked on brake dust. I have heard of Dragonsbreath but am still a bit sceptical that it will do the job. Is it possible to buy a small sample first?

    Cheers, Julian


    1. CSET


      Hi Julian, thanks for your message. The smallest quantity I sell is 500ml, we do not have sample sizes. That said, I'm happy to try a little on one of your wheels to show you how it works? If the brake dust is badly baked we do have another option that may be suitable - however our first 'go-to' is always Dragon's Breath (as it shows us what we're working with!). Feel free to stop in to our detailing studio in Penrose - see www.unitedcarcare.co.nz 

      Kind regards,


  17. Would also recommend to contact 'Munich Legends' in GB. They can give you valuable advise and maybe know of cars that would suit the bill.
  18. Make sure check with NZTA - fact sheet 44b Would be imported as special interest vehicle. Only 200 permits are issued each year. Other restrictions apply depending on intended use in NZ.
  19. Suppose you might have placed the wining bid on the roof rack the other day on TM?
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