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Everything posted by 39KiwiTouring

  1. Pleased for you Brian good result.
  2. 3 weeks is a good base, 12 days you'll hit the witching hour and be seen to be rolling buts into a paper, anything for a drag, be strong keep busy, mow your lawn etc it passes.
  3. Her last name starts with F married to Michael, decals and bits and pieces. Still Thursday avo's only? You would be set for life alright if you owned it, I have watched that company grow immensely over the past 5 years, especially since W&A disapeared.
  4. Talking of bosses and card yard owners etc. Kerry I am a supplier to your company, (you work for a fantastic business by the way phenominal). What day does Karen work now.
  5. I would just drive it until you don't want to drive it anymore. A wof inspector will kill it before the engine dies.
  6. Room would be the issue M5 idea would be best, pretty busy under the E39 not alot of room.
  7. Can't see why modifications are a problem for insurance. If the car is certified and WOF??? Call Crombie lockwood brokers they are bloody good and should find something for you.
  8. Pretty soft core storm really. had they not mentioned a massive storm it was no different to any other shitty rainy windy day. When it stopped raining the wind dried everything out in half an hour I noticed. Nothing as bad as the 2008 storm July I think it was that was hideous never want to see winds like that again duck must remember and any one from Levin, palmy, it was lifting the front of cars of the ground 2-3 inches 150k winds narley as bent a wooden fence.
  9. Well were was that one hiding?, has all the right numbers on the boot as well, stick shift, nicest E30 I've seen, the E30 to have apart from an M3.
  10. Looks very clean, good sellers, chrome plate surrounds nice touch. I agree with the seller very high spec.
  11. Jeffs Transport would be an option as well. You live in Eky dougy?, hows the weather?, pretty rank in Pohangina ATM.
  12. Glad you didn't sell it now?
  13. I've got a mint set Team McMillan if you can't feel the love for the ones you have sorted. I'll put some pics up, just ask
  14. Not many GSR's left both cordia or sigma, my uncle had one of each brand new his was the sigma, hers the cordia. I remeber a very fast drive between New Plymouth and Whangamata in 86 in a brand new cordia GSR light pink colour, fast car in the day.
  15. Convinced this car will appreciate in value over time.
  16. Imagine the smell, arse in bottles stinks.
  17. Get an RS500 2 door, or nothing at all.
  18. 39KiwiTouring

    Barking Dogs

    Investigate bark collars, swing buy a pet shop and see how much they are and get a brochure. They zap the the dog when they bark, take them to the neighbours or leave in the mailbox, or offer to buy them yourself. Hugely frustrating this half the reason I love rurally now, still heaps of dogs around here though, but hardly hear them really. The other options is debarking, a vet surgical procedure which I reackon the council should pay for as part of the large dog fee's they charge, for when a dog is complained about. Yelling shut up never works either.
  19. I'd be crusing that 525ee if it was me. Defy the odds see if you can crack 700 plus K's in the old girl, show em all how reliable they really are.
  20. Stella Artois (SP), carlsberg, Jim Beam, Red wine.
  21. I was also going to add if you want the "manual" drive look for M5 E39.
  22. Manual 540's are rare mate, I remember reading a thread about the guy who bought the 540is/6 Touring in Belgium or somewhere and there were 9 manual 540's and 1560 auto 540's for sale in the whole of europe at the time. You will suffocate waiting, not the manual type of car really anyway.
  23. As above - smashed it; saved to favs.
  24. Check the warranty out as much as the car, they set strict service intervals and will decline if you are a few hundred over, and wear and tear exclusions can apply to almost anything, it's how it's interpreted. Depending on cost of warranty almost better to self insure, I talk to dealers and they are getting sick of the warranty companies letting them down and telling the customer to use the CGA obligations and go the dealer. Times are tough for warranty companies, and they don't make money paying out for V8 BMW's.
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