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Everything posted by antil33t

  1. I'll be at work Christmas Eve, laughing at all teh n00bs who decided to go shopping at the last minute. #foreveralone
  2. Pldubs's E36, euroriffics Emfree, and Dingus, The Touring.
  3. It's for a 325/525i E36/E34 M50 with no EWS.
  4. I got a parking ticket in bloody Mosgiel for the "D" plates.... the cocksucker must live out there, saw the car and came out and ticketed me. As there's no reason for a parking warden to go there.
  5. When the hell did those get so expensive!?
  6. I'm told the M52's block threads for the studs can rip out when they are being re-torqued as it's made from aluminium. especially if it has been overheated. I would be looking for a whole M52B28 and just throwing that in with new oil seals and replacement parts.
  7. And that headunit set up.....
  8. Yeah, mine had gone brittle and shrunk and was causing a vacuum leak, it was cheaper to buy the entire assembly than it was to buy just the gasket. Strange BMW part pricing.
  9. I paid $13 for it at the dealer.
  10. Will probably be easier to change the crank dampener to use the front mounted setup like the later M20's use. Easier than finding manual parts anyway.
  11. +1, Paul can get virtually any genuine parts also.
  12. Picture of the instrument cluster is saying it's low on oil.
  13. It's just a cabinet lock, stick some tape over it. pfft $500/week.. sounds like a bunch of cry babies who have blown it way out of proportion... as customers do.
  14. The engine loom separates from the body loom at a plug. You probably have to repin it... and hopefully the M50 is non-ews. I have no idea. Maybe try on 318ti.org?
  15. E34's have a factory alarm plug under the back seat with all the wires you could ever need.
  16. You paid $600 for an E34 sump/tube/pickup :S?
  17. Faulty CCM/ LKM http://www.bmwe34.net/E34main/Maintenance/Electrical/LKM.htm If you really want your OBC to work and not care about the check system remove the check module from the e-box under the bonnet, and you'll get a "check control" error every time you start the car instead.
  18. http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?79896-Attention-ALL-E36-owners-beware-WIRING-PROBLEM Probably not going to be that dramatic, but there's a few theories around on tail light issues... I'd start with the wiring itself.
  19. Coolant Level messages is literally a 30 minute fix. Paul from Milland sells the sensor for around $50 with shipping (the floats fail, or the sensor takes in water)... and takes about 15min to install.. the hardest part is waiting for the car to cool down. Drivers door not unlocking, I take it that is with a remote? or is that with the key? Possibly the small lock motor has failed. - If you plan to keep the car get a new one, if not they are not really that cheap second hand and can't be guaranteed... Some people have had luck replacing the small motors inside the units.. I have not had any to try that with yet.
  20. Is it bad If i have no idea what he is talking about?
  21. European auto services, in kakorai, or KG Mcleods in Anderson's bay. Is there anything in particular you want done?
  22. http://forums.eurocca.net/showthread.php/16507-BMW-e30-Writeup-Replacing-OBC-backlight-with-LEDs
  23. Hahahhahaah my mate posted a pic up of this on facebook a few weeks ago (he owns a red aerotop JZA70 Supra with OI U NO as a rego haha.)
  24. This car actually got the police around to my workshop... previous owner decided to hook some mean skids. It actually isn't a bad car.
  25. First car I really drove was and then I bought a Camry Prominent for a grand total of two months before someone with no insurance wrote it off for me.
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