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Everything posted by FIAT 131R

  1. Thanks for the referral Jon. I only have the one M54 B30 and that's in the old race car. I do have the odd S54 engine across a wide range from a second hand 2006 engine with 76,800km complete with all ancillaries to completely rebuilt engines.
  2. I have most parts of an E46 M3 rear end including the diff and cradle. I will sort them out and take a few pictures. I haven't given any thought to price as I have never thought of selling them.
  3. FIAT 131R


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WHAT HE SAID
  4. If it is the Sport Evo if you buy it then make sure you get the cradle that goes with it
  6. I will have one Andy but I am not back till Tuesday avo. If you still haven'y got one I will give it to you and you can replace it.
  7. Give me a call if Andy can't help. I also have extended wheel studs and nuts. Geoff 021 449 242
  8. I am not embarrassed at all. Not sure why you think BMW owners will or should be. Just because a couple of morons do something silly why does that embarrass other people with the same brand of car.
  9. I notice that many are fine with the errors made. I have 365 days in most years and have quite a few things to do every day. Lets say 5 things a day for a total of 1825 things to do. If I don't relicence my car that's only 0.0547945% of all the things I have to do. So if my error rate is so low why do they fine me. My error factor is way lower than theirs.
  10. I was just taking up the fight on behalf of an under dog.
  11. Did you figure out it was pointless all by yourself ???.
  12. I know someone who had a budgie named Tommi. Actually it's a nice name for a budgie. No self respecting dog would want to be called Tommi. I have so far received thousands of likes for my psychological support for Max.
  13. It's only the inner circle of Kaukapakapa society and one or two others get to meet Max. Max is Kayne Barries dog and some people have been calling him Tommy. He asked me to take up cudgels on his behalf and get people to use his proper name. I am helping out a mate.
  14. After a long drive taking 8 hours I met Max. I asked him how he was and he said how the hell do you think I am. He told me people have been calling him Tommy and he doesn't like it. He doesn't look like a Tommy but he DEFINITELY looks like a Max. Max lives with a certain group of people who fix gearboxes and diffs. I gave him the number for the SPCA because calling a dog Tommy is definitely cruelty to the animal. He lives near Kaukapakapa If you go and get your gearbox or diff fixed don't forget to make the little fellas day by calling him by his favourite name.
  15. FIAT 131R

    Oil cooler

    Cheers Ash for the pic.
  16. FIAT 131R

    Oil cooler

    I know I am risking a death threat here Ash but do you have a picture of the item you are talking about. I don't think I have seen them.
  17. FIAT 131R

    Oil cooler

    I have an E46 M3 oil filter housing and oil cooler with the oil lines based in Wellington. Give me a call on 021 449 242
  18. Try Speedfactor in Tauranga one of the sponsors.
  19. Bloody Hell. So you guys are telling me the techies own shares in breweries and deliberately design things to drive people to drink. WRONG. Those guys don't think laterally they think literally.
  20. Why is it that people make sending a message a mission. With the private messages why is it necessary to show all previous messages. I haven't got a bloody clue where to put new text. It used to be simple where you typed into a text box and pushed send. Now someone has made it difficult. I don't want to see all the previous messages in one bloody screen. I talk to heaps of people on Gmail, xtra etc who say the same thing. I and they can't find previous emails, things disappear etc. Keep it simple and if you are going to make an "IMPROVEMENT" make sure it improves things and doesn't turn it into a bloody mess. Rant over and out.
  21. Have you looked at using the backing plate off your E30 diff on the E28 diff and putting the LSD centre in your E28 diff. Not sure if you have to change the output shafts as well but there are a few on here with E28 history.
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