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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Front discs, pads and wear sensor all replaced.
  2. 1 point
    Hey guys, just wanted to share some picture of a set of BBS LM wheels I've repaired. Such a shame to see nice/rare wheels forgotten and sometimes scrapped. So I gave these a new lease on life. Wheels were very curbed, bent and a few flat spots, so I stripped them apart, gave them a good clean, soaked bolts and cleaned them with a tooth brush. The curbing (missing chunks) were welded back up and some small cracks around bolt holes were welded up and redrilled. The flat spots in 2 wheels were then removed and all wheels were made true again. The excess welds were machined back. Then finally, finished polished. I had to find a full set of center caps which was quite tricky and expensive. Long story short, I ended up buying another set of wheels and using the caps and then selling on. Didn't paint the centers as a new project came up for my M3 and didnt have time to paint but would have painted in the original silver had this gone ahead. Hope you enjoy!
  3. 1 point
    Hi all, I'm after a M20B25 manual gearbox, preferably in the North Shore, Auckland region! Let me know if you have one up for grabs and how much. Cheers
  4. 1 point
    Yeah genuine bmw brakes are the best bet imo for this kind of car.
  5. 1 point
    Here's a place in silverdale
  6. 1 point
    A quick story about the lows and high (prices) of owning an 850i. As you may know the a/c compressor breathed its last breath just before Xmas on my 8er. A quick price check for a new one at BMW NZ led me quickly overseas and I picked up the correct listed part from Rockauto in the US for just US$159 (compared to over $1k in NZ!!). I thought I'd scored the deal of the year until the new compressor turned up a week ago. A quick test fit revealed that the new compressor alone was not going to work. What I'd fail to realise, and BMW did not tell me, is that the new compressor doesn't have an RPM sensor so it also requires a retro fit kit (effectively a little relay that overrides the overengineered rpm sensor lock down). I have since discovered the relay is twice the price of the freakin' compressor. WTF? Anyway, looks like I'm going to have to try and repair the old compressor which is likely to cost at least $500. B*gger.
  7. 1 point
    Seems dodgy but i cant even report it because i dont even know what is dodgy, its all farked!
  8. 1 point
    Yes I think he's full of sh*t. That member muzza won my auction and is flying into Wellington next weekend with his missus to pick it up so I'm not sure what he is on about re changing his mind, or TC issues as there is none. Unless something has gone wrong with it while it has been sitting since new years I will be driving it during the week to confirm but again I'd say he talking sh*t. Only one person came to look at it and he was local but he may have been acting on behalf. My E39 was described as it is as I don't want any dramas come time to hand the keys over, the whole point of a $1 reserve action. Maybe he is a bit butt hurt since realizing E39s including his immaculate one of a kind 540i are worth pretty much scrap value these day (m5 excempt).
  9. 1 point
    What trademe has for similar yr /price range http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/CategoryAttributeSearchResults.aspx?search=1&cid=268&sidebar=1&5=&14=&18=20000&18=25000&24=2005&24=2005&54=&searchRegion=100&sidebarSearch_keypresses=0&sidebarSearch_suggested=0
  10. 1 point
    Then can you explain why you're pushing for new customers with good deals and screwing over existing sky customers?
  11. 1 point
    VTNZ passed my old E36 that had badly flogged lower arm bushes and front balljoints. They also passed my Prelude which had its front crossmember lower than 100mm and no cert. I dont have much faith in their inspections.
  12. 1 point
    It'll work great in front of an E30 won't it....
  13. 1 point
    I used to work for Voda, now I work for Sky... might as well blame me...
  14. 1 point
    ^ I hate wheel and tyre abuse but they're lovely rims, pity they won't fit the car if they have proper tyres on them. Other than that the car looks sweet.
  15. 1 point
    It's like he's always stuck in 2nd gear...
  16. 1 point
    today I modified my 32mm open end spanner so I could do the tie-rod ends.
  17. 1 point
    Bit of a tidy up this morning. Still a mess but much better than it was.
  18. 1 point
    might be selling my bbs rc303 18x8.5 soon..
  19. 1 point
    People who dont indicate at roundabouts or indicate incorrectly
  20. 1 point
    Had a re-occuring fault code to do with the e-box fan which is a small electric fan that draws in air from the outside and in to the box where the DME lives. With a pretty intense summer this year I though it'd be a good idea to replace it. I tried activating the old one in DIS but I could not hear it running. Did the same one with the new one in place and it hummed away nicely. Nothing broken during the process and all back together now. Next job, front discs, pads and wear sensor.
  21. 1 point
    Oh and a nice rear diffuser being made in Russia for me
  22. 1 point
    Decided to try them on the touring.. I think they will stay on there..
  23. 1 point
    Zimbabwe88 - There have been two main pieces of advice in this thread; (A) chuck in a cheap used auto trans. or (B)do an engine and trans swap with the m54 I have in my parts car. I cant afford the money or time to do the m54 swap, much though I would prefer it. So I will be buying a cheap used auto to swap in, and while I try and scrape some money together to buy one I am flushing the one I have to get a month or two's usage out of it. I already had bought a bunch of parts (the day before the trans crapped out ironically) to do some planned maintenance on my car, so am doing them at the same time where it makes sense to do so. I really DO value the advice from the community. I even had one member (who I had never met in person) offer to come and look at the car the very next day. I've had offers of free or discounted parts, and another forum member has spent several days helping, including driving to Albany to pick up parts while I'm at work. This community has really blown me away
  24. 1 point
    people who tailgate you while you're going 100kmh on the inside lane on the motor way then when u move to the 2nd lane to let them pass (which you would assume is what they want) they just keep going at the same speed then block u with the guy on lane 2. window washers who squirt your windscreen even after u wave saying NO. the same people who then demand money from you after doing a lousy window cleaning job as well as making a mess on your bonnet/fender.
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