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Race Series Competitors
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Everything posted by hotwire

  1. Would love him to come back on here & see the community consensus of him & his antics
  2. Sums him up from our earlier judgements perfectly huh
  3. Speakers are Nokia from memory, at least some are
  4. ^^^^^ Go on Dave - I dare ya, you know you want to...
  5. Interesting! Plans with the welder & grinder?
  6. No problem, a pleasure to help. Strange though on the system not operating correctly - do you have no display on the monitor? This normally only occurs when a Professional unit is fitted to a car with a Jap nav unit still installed, they corrupt each other. The Business unit will work ok with Jap nav unit, the Professional unit is ok with no Jap nav (disconnected) or Euro nav, atleast it will with Mk3 & 4 units. Maybe PM me & we can discuss from there.
  7. Dave, it is bound to be a fault in the radio tuner (this was mentioned in the other thread). They are common to fail with dry joints on one of the boards inside. In the E38, it is located on the very inside (nearest the guard) in the group of units in L/H rear corner. I have repaired a few of these over the years, some successful & a couple not.
  8. ^^^^^ I was being a cheap arse & repaired mine. It failed about 4 yrs ago, I pulled it apart one arvo, cleaned the contacts & its been fine ever since.
  9. Ha, you type faster than me obviously
  10. Andrew, strange sort of coincidence going on there. Maybe though - a faulty ign switch with voltage drop across the acc contacts inside it. Have had the same on my E39 a few years ago. That said - had no effect by the sunvisor though. Next time - try cycling the key off/on & see if it recifies the problem.
  11. Not wrong on that one. Pity someone at work didn't realize that...
  12. Monroes + BMW = YUK! Sorry, but been there/ done that....
  13. ^^^^^^ Huh, just what I was thinking....
  14. hotwire

    Quick rant thread.

    ^^^^^^ Nearly ALL starters are. The Generals V6's & V8's are the only ones connected to the block that come to mind.
  15. Or..... GER (Glendene Engine Reconditioners) in Kelston. They have done most of the Race Series engines
  16. Be careful or better - use a gasket scraper to get behind it. I should come away relatively easily.
  17. ^^^^^^ I would take note on what Glenn says - he knows them inside out. Look at another thread on here regarding the N46 & its constant issues. Otherwise purchase at you own peril.
  18. I have heard (not experienced) some bad reports on Dynavin product. Why not get it converted to OEM spec Euro?
  19. Spanner/hammer has never failed me - Fords included, That said - some are f##king tight!
  20. Radio in which one Dave? Does it have a monitor - boot mounted radio?
  21. Seriously, I would get the radiator professionally checked. Also, have you determined the water consumption issue? - External leak? If not external - you will still have an engine issue. - It should use NO water
  22. So did you also inform the boss of the managers offhand remarks / response to you?
  23. 10 but after pushing the button of a few i realised i recognised them. The others - no idea
  24. Means nothing. I had an M52 E39 at work about 6 months back with a worn out pump. Fitted a Repco sourced GMB (Japanese but made in China) water pump to it. A week later I replaced it again due to it leaking. Upon removal, the bearing felt like sh*t! Second replacement has been fine.
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