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Everything posted by m325i

  1. Sold? If close to ask, I'm quite impressed by that price
  2. m325i

    E46 M3

    20 years new IMG_4408.MOV
  3. They seems pretty good. I'm just driving around town etc. Only been on the motorway briefly.
  4. Just went from Dunlop Sport Maxx 050+ (non rft) to Hankook S1 Evo2 (RFT). Honestly not much difference in ride quality at all.
  5. OT but Trade me does have a lot of safeguards. Other countries only have FB Marketplace (or ebay if they are lucky) which is basically a back alley. And that has given rise to the premium auction sites like Bring-a-trailer. Trademe is actually a pretty sweet in-between that does have legal recourse (especially for large value items) and doesn't have buyer premiums that specialist sites would demand. The whole "tardeme" argrument is like Sky Tv - everyone was crying about a SkyTv monopoly. But look atcha now.... Sky for Rugby/Cricket, Netflix for Ozark, Disney for Star Wars, Spark Sport for F1, Amazon for The Boys and your in well over $200. Careful what you wish for....
  6. Black looks great. Have a white twin. Dope cars.
  7. m325i

    E46 M3

    Generations: e93 335i & F30 330d. Wish mine was white.
  8. After driving a brand new Ionic 5 for a few days, this is what hit me the most. I assume the CX5 feels similar. Nice cars, but they just feel cheap compared to even a ~9 year old X3. Personally I'd go for an older euro. Best of luck.
  9. It changes the car and I would buy another SMG car with no hesitation because of it. Enjoy!
  10. Do you know how they stole it? Are you pushing to reclaim and 'fix' it? Or move on?
  11. m325i

    Black Car Care

    this one? - what is the vibration level like?
  12. Long shot, but any c pillars ?
  13. m325i

    E46 M3

    China sent me the wrong colour! (yellow). I have another shipment coming and they said it would have replacement black. It's 1/4 the price of actual Swisstrax. What's the dream solution ? Dark grey? 🤣.
  14. m325i

    E46 M3

    Tried the Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Black Liquid Polish posted here by @GorGasm the other week. Pretty impressed and would recommend too. The problem with most "Sio2" LSP's is they bead so much that when a black car dries you get bad water spots. I actually think older style sealants/waxes are better at sheeting the water off. This one didn't seem to "spot" too bad though. Have just topped it up with this, so see how it goes. Polished tips (but only went to the visible line inside - I'm not OCD! 😂)
  15. I have notice this in the last couple of years with the e46 though. Before it was only nerds. Now I get randoms coming up to me "Is that a manual bro?" etc. I think it's when cars get older but are still well presented they attract everyone; including pig hunters, f*ck pigs, normies and nerds. @SHRNTA any news? Sorry if it's raw / too early, but the insurance scenario would be something I am sure a lot of other owners would be interested in given the recent value changes. Hope it works out OK for you.
  16. Long shot, but after this trim piece in white? thanks
  17. I'm thinking of an air tag.
  18. I've not driven an e39 m5, but I think I would rather have a super tidy e90 with budget for all the maintenance than $65k for a rough one of these. Condition & kms being equal, I'd take the m5 though.
  19. Heat it up, fishing line, "disolve it" spray, compound polish.
  20. m325i

    M TOY M3

    that's one where you have to buy the whole OEM cover, or use aftermarket bushings
  21. m325i

    iPhone holder

    I see a few downsides. 1) the bit that goes into the vent I have used before. It's just a friction fit. OK but can wiggle loose. The one i posted ratchets down to clamp onto the grill so can't come loose. 2) does that require the proprietary magnet? OP is based on the magsafe design. 3) it will partially block airflow from the vent
  22. m325i

    iPhone holder

    I’ve tried a bunch of phone holders and cradles. This is it. I’ve found it! By far the best MagSafe holder. Super strong magnet and the clip that goes on the vent tightens by screw. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Car-Vent-Mount-360-Degree-Magnetic-Phone-Holder-Mount-for-MagSafe-Metal-Base-/403007765052?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0
  23. Exactly... they were wrong. New M3 looks good (not great), this is will mature well too.
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