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Everything posted by m325i

  1. ^ Yip found the same thing when I was looking at 330d wagons. UK import with halogens and manual seats. I looked into retrofitting new lights. Ultimately I ended up with x3 30d, NZ new with a pretty high spec. No regrets. The big diesels are pretty awesome. Massive torque is addictive. The wagons have really held their value it seems.
  2. Good point. I wouldn't consider buying an MK20 car. 03.5+ doesn't matter to me though. (Mine is MK60 but pre 03.5). But that blue does make people thirsty, no doubt about that.
  3. At 150k you'd have to say it's a driver and not a full collector car. I guess the question is what is the premium for the colour? Obviously quite a lot, but is it $5k or $15k? Given that red (meh) one sold with 150k too for mid $40s, ceterus paribus, I reckon boring colours are $40k now. Might have to revise insurance again...
  4. This could be a recent record sale! LSB is awesome. But I think it's more awesome when it is someone else's colour. Not sure I'd want it as a daily. (Seem to get enough bad looks just from normal driving / s54 noise). Ha, they are so stacked for anything JDM!
  5. Just think, in 6 months will you be saying, "after that battery thing, it's been totally sweet!"
  6. It's fascinating really. The stubbornness? Ego? Naivety? Cluelessness? Accountancy?? I need a youtube interview series with these vendors
  7. I want a RHD version - swap in an newer S motor and live happily ever after.
  8. Maybe for sills only, but if you do any large sections with a high quality job it is so expensive you may as well just repaint!
  9. Next you'll be telling me Amor All is no good?!?! LOL - then what is the GardX for? If you do a proper cut & polish, you can put on a high quality sealant or wax or even a ceramic coating yourself that will be a light years 12 years better than GardX.
  10. m325i

    The Drop

    I'm Schmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  11. m325i

    E46 M3

    Eventuri is a nice upgrade! I couldn’t get the lower scoop in though? I wonder if the oem pipe is correct ?
  12. The big sale that comes to mind was that red one which was over 150km and mid $40s (!) It was presented and marketed well, but wasn't really anything 'special' over an above other vehicles. An outlier sale perhaps?
  13. i got in touch with a valuer as suggested on here. He wasn't aware of a some recent sales, (and was more hyped on some recent e36 sales). I basically got him to say how high he would go, and he was at $30k for what is essentially the same spec. He is not going to add value for the valuing adding maintenance. I have mine at $30 agreed - but agree that it would likely sell for more. I am with Star and is restricted to less than 15km p.a. Be keen to hear other's views...
  14. I’m saying ‘swirls’ meaning very light fine scratches. Which I find build up using any technique over time
  15. It's a goddam nightmare this 'drought'! I've been using 'ONR" rinse-less wash. It's actually really good. But the wash experience is lame. (I bought a new Kartcher like a week before the restrictions!) I do think the ONR process has given me more swirls, but I need to do a polish anyway... Even though it feels 'wrong' I would recommend it.
  16. m325i

    E46 M3 AFE intake

    Trademe Auction has now met reserve, thought I would post here in case someone was interested. Good luck! https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/performance/air-filters/listing/2867261926?bof=6wWsdX3r
  17. When I see a nice one going down the road I look. Test drove one and thought it was a (sleeper) weapon. Platform makes them pretty limited with space (backseat & boot). End of the line for BMW in this segment. What are you cross shopping with? (If you want bigger, consider a x3xd).
  18. m325i

    E46 330i Touring

    White LCI wagon is cool. The LCI is enough of a change it looks like a model half step. The aftermarket is so strong on e46 you can easily make this as modern, look and perform as well as cars 4x the price.
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