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Everything posted by allan

  1. allan

    E46 M3 GTR Bonnet

    Never a true state ment
  2. Put the part number in on Pelican site and it came back with $28.25us . Check out the link https://www.pelicanparts.com/cgi-bin/ksearch/PEL_search_2016.cgi?command=DWsearch&description=11241288925
  3. A mute point now but also was used on the M73 and M73N these were 750ilp,750ils models and as you mentioned the S70 in the 850csi BMW fans has them as Bearing shell, blue 11241288925 prod Jun 87. 7series E32 ,E38, 8series E31
  4. The Oxford dictionary had this defination of a chick A newly hatched young domestic fowl.chicken ‘dozens of fluffy, chirruping chicks hatched out’ No accounting for taste these days haha.
  5. To those who have posted on this subject my i ask do you know how you would react in a accident pending situation, freeze or react. One would hope to react but how do you know how it will unfold for you. This by simple having gone through it all before and experiencing it ie loosing control car goes side ways. What do you do until you have experienced this you have no idea what so ever other than feet off the pedals turn the wheel into the slide and correct the slide.This coming from a book or instructor so if you have never had it happen before how do you know how i t will unfold. Their will be no quick solution to this problem and people will continue to have accidents my hope is that the powers to be will increase the amount of time in practical driving situations with the use of simulators or the like. Road improvements would help but it is only one of a number of issues concerning this problem.
  6. allan

    BMW Recall

    MMM a nasty situation to find ones self in for sure. On the positive side no one or items where affected other than the car. It still leaves a number of the big questions Why springs to mind straight away. Your info on having to spend 10 minutes telling them your location is a bit on the noises. As when a 111 call is made on a land line that connection is locked and can be tracked. No doubt with the tech these days it can be done with a cellphone to . Hope you get a good out come and that round of golf to.
  7. https://www.pinterest.nz/donkii/bmw-70s-80s/
  8. These have some info not sure it's what you are after http://www.dukeengines.com/advantages/weight-size-shape/ http://forum.e46fanatics.com/showthread.php?t=730757
  9. should be able to use the wires from the auto shift unit. if you haven't removed them Or Fuse 27 with a green 'black wire to one side of reverse switch. Other side blue yellow wire to connector x428 attached to main fuse holder, on top of it. Then on to rear PDC module pin 12 if you have PDC or ground it.. best of luck
  10. A bit if reading material may give you an in sight of the model. https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=428i+m+sport+gran+coupe&rlz=1C1GGRV_enNZ784NZ784&oq=428i+m+sport+gran+coupe&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.11360j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  11. allan

    Quick Questions

    Ok lets say the box did have an oil leak and it was the in put shaft. what would it cost to 1 take the box out, replace the input shaft and any other seals concerned,guessing its a manual. Where you are more than half way their now with the box out etc. A dare sight easier to replace them now as it is only the cost of the seals and labour if you aren't fitting them yourself. Also bet you will be pissed off if not long after you discover an oil puddle on your garage floor which turns out to be trans fluid.
  12. It 's the little things that you want even think of that will trip you up. Their are a number of differences on a conversion of this nature Vehicles New Zealand new or Japanese imports Wiring for auto to manaul and you mention Zf different again, vent piping eml different diameters, A/c left side for the N42,46 right side for the M54 pipe work change over, wiring lengthen and re-route,care of the connector on the a/c pump they brake real easy. Ignition key an barrel all door locks etc check to see if remote access is inferred or radio on both vehicles Heater control valves, system auto or manual type Exhaust, pipe diameter mounting points. mufflers These are a few things that come to mind. It makes for a great project hope you keep a record and let us all share.Plenty of info and people Ray and Brent who have practical experience an can help out best of luck
  13. A quick search came up with this. http://www.1addicts.com/forums/showthread.php?t=823931 Don't want to put you off to do it correctly will require a bit of work. ie suspension sensors, wiring and associated electronics, high pressure washer system if can be bothered with. Some coding work so the system will except the zenons and not flash error codes. As Kyu has mentioned talk to Ray or Brent they will be able to give you the low down Best of luck
  14. Olaf u forgot the flames out the Bosoku
  15. One NZ firm that might help but at a price. https://www.nzad.co.nz/vehicle/bmw-3-series-e46-incl-compact-coupe-touring-cabriolet-0292-m3-x-drilled-32ltr-rear-rotors-06 As you mentioned freight is a killer but even so at these prices still got to be worth a look.pelican USA https://www.pelicanparts.com/cgi-bin/ksearch/PEL_search_2016.cgi?command=DWsearch&description=34112282801 This one has the BMW genuine at good price https://www.pelicanparts.com/cgi-bin/ksearch/pel_search_2016.cgi?command=DWsearch&LastVisited_input=0560&make=BMW&description=34212282303 Check the weight as given on their site and it is 65.24lbs or 29.59kgs for what its worth
  16. Are the vehicles NZ ones or Japan imports? one of those differences is the ltr per /100 k gauge in the cluster. The Japanese one works right to left while the european one works the other way left to right. Only a little thing but can be annoying if not aware of it.
  17. Not sure of the m43 set up but the n42 had the a/c on the other side so rewire was needed. A de-loom auto out manual in, check wires for battery charge light to cluster,. Inter lock cable from ign switch to auto gear shift, what level of ews you have and are fitting.What remote access type do the vehicles have infered or radio. Thats about all that comes to mind bound to be more you may find along your journey best of luck with it.
  18. A quick google and this came up could give you some ideas https://www.achillesmotorsports.com/Achilles-Motorsports-BMW-Oil-Pan-Baffle-p/11-am-opb.htm
  19. Have fun with the conversion been their did a N42 out M54B25 in. This was done on a e46 compact just do heaps of research. It is the little things that trip one up.
  20. heck no get it all fitted up and take some pics along the way.
  21. Have a look in BMW fans or realoem.com they are part catalogs. They will have the info you seek.
  22. Would be interesting to see what it would cost to get re-gassed if at all possible it. As to the 22.79 pound plus freight.
  23. As Glenn mentioned a must have or have you got deep pockets?
  24. Any help http://bmwfans.info/parts-catalog/E36-Cabrio/Europe/328i-M52/feb1998/browse/seats/front_seat_rail_mechanical_single_parts/ Appears the strut No 12 do not come as a separate piece. Surely after all this time they must be available in some form also check the compact it may have something similar both have fold type seats. A quick check and it appears the seat base on the cabio and compact are the same L side 52108234795/ 796 right.
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