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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. not a bad price at all. if that top speed is too low for you you could put a higher geared diff in there if 100km/h is too slow for you.
  2. agreed, yep thats the guy. not my cup of tea. roads up the top of the coromandle are sh*t anyway, my wagon touched the ground from time to time and its not THAT low, the lambo looks lower still. i rarely see anyone down here. considering putting a bimmersport decal on my econovan for a headlight flick now and again
  3. low prices or not, you can give one to me for free, but i still dont want it I'm not trying to jump on the rip-on-shady bandwagon everyone else seems to do, but you're either are stripping the car or you arent. you'll never get anywhere trying to get people locked in before deciding. if i need an M40 engine i need it now, not in three weeks on the offchance you decide to part. see where im going? I still have gauge clusters and mastercylinders and god knows what else from my twin cam E30 and i parted that out 3 or 4 years ago. sold a starter motor last week. i think if you put an original grill back on and put matching wheels on it, original gear knob etc, your asking price of $1600 is fairly realistic. list it on trademe too. i didnt even know that website you listed existed. im pretty sure you were the first person i heard of Sella through as well. monopoly as it may be with its $40 listing price, you have to list on trade me or you wont sell it at all. sell it for $1640 if pennys count. Just my 2c, hope you dont take it the wrong way
  4. avoid a 520i at all costs if its an automatic. My Touring was a 520i originally. i have never driven a slower BMW yet was one of the thirstiest. if its a manual, maybe, but you'd have to nanna drive it to get the economy of a 2.5L which is more suited to the bodysize.
  5. Ill only chime in because none else has, but short answer is Paul is correct, likely wont fit width and offset is likely too much but may be okay if they were 15s or 16s running stretched tyres. people run 15x8.0 et0 sportmaxs with stretched tyres with no fitment issues (drivability issues a different story), with your proposed setup and the rim face would sit out another 10mm further and 35mm closer to the strut. even with a 15" rim thats going to be a tight fit if it fits at all, let alone 17s. youd have to have the ride height of a monster truck to do it, IF it even clears the strut. 7-7.5" wide is about the max width you can go on an E30 with 17" rims
  6. Still getting texts PMs etc for this, maybe should have priced higher! Anyway sold now mod can close this etc. Closed as requested.
  7. Container and send it overseas is my bet
  8. skidder basically an RB30 g
  9. _ethrty-Andy_

    Dad's E30

    this time next year you will have two twin cam E30s in your driveway. Cool
  10. Alpine White E30 325i SE in the coromandel, plate was "BMW SE" Also talked to a guy with a V12 Murchialago, aparently he rents it out at $100/hr up here, not a bad deal!
  11. I remember reading if you take the sum of the energy and emmissions used to build a first generation prius and then that used over the first 200,000kms and compare it to a regular car i forgot what they used, the prius is worse. LIon batteries usually have around 40-60%of thier original capacity after 7 years, less if used a lot, and the process to recycle those batteries isnt overly pretty. Better than being buried mind you.
  12. Wow old post But they are still available for both left and right hand drive from BMW themself, i brought about 2 months ago, accidentally ordered LHD so now have both
  13. wouldn't say comfy, but they are better than the "comfort" seats which are pretty crap. better than my econovan mind.
  14. what red is that and where did you get the paint? was it in a can or proper compressed etc type job?
  15. _ethrty-Andy_

    HB Greg

    Happy Birthday mate! have a great one
  16. had a trip to the Hawkes Bay in mine from Wellington, one of the most comfortable cars i have been in for long trips.
  17. 750iL exhaust is quite different. most obvious is that it only exits on one side rather than two like the 850Ci. front half is very similar if not the same. ohhhhhhh
  18. some people have way too much cash!
  19. I am a computer recycling company, i know what they are worth
  20. yeah think that was about what i paid too except x4 nothing wrong with the M52B28 though
  21. damn sold one to some guy on trade me that still hasn't come to pick it up sold a few weeks ago. ill let you know when he emails back if still wants it
  22. looks saveable. How much were the taillights out of interest? i had to order new from BMW too, not cheap. stupid tourings and mine had 4 lights not 2 like yours makes sence to swap engine at the same time as doing a manual conversion, you need to undo everything to do a gearbox conversion anyway, only another half an hour or so of things to disconnect to pull the engine with it. much easier to do with everything on the floor too instead of dicking around under the car.
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