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Breaker last won the day on November 1 2022

Breaker had the most liked content!

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980 Excellent


About Breaker

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday 03/09/1972

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  • Name
  • Location
    Takanini,, Auckland
  • Car
    2001 E38 750i Individual
  • Car 2
    2017 X5 M
  • Car 3
    2014 F01 750i, 2019 i3

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  1. Side view 👍 IMG_1711.mov
  2. Wish it was just a wash, has a steering fault. Dividing element and relay that assists the power steering system that needs replacing, ex Germany of cause. So it’ll be there a while, thank goodness for warranties 😕. $2k
  3. Breaker

    New M2

    Saw this in the flesh this week in Munich at the Welt, much better in person. Not sure on the front grill, don’t think they got that bit right with the square edges however it does align to a number of squared edges across the car, the rest of the design actually comes across really well in the flesh
  4. As per my experience, again similar as 1 or 1 but electrical failures everywhere, but it was a Jag as well so maybe not just Singapore. But once bitten, never again
  5. Had been looking for a replacement for the F01 750i for a while, thinking about a G01 or a X3/4 M40i then this X5M in Melbourne Red rocked up for sale. Never been a SUV guy but super impressed by the ride and handling combination this thing gives. Plus add 550hp is a pretty good recipe. Impressive spec interior, sounds great, good tech, nice to have that elevated ride with so many Ute’s etc on the road. If you can’t bet em…. With a big warranty 😁 plus matches the bosses i3 upgrade in Melbourne Red also. Let the fun begin.
  6. Yip it’s made it to the panel beaters for a respectful resto 👍
  7. Took this for a good drive, em very tasty. Definitely considering ordering
  8. I’ve run my 60ah on 3pin 10a for last 2 years running up to 100ks a day, zero issues and wouldn’t install anything bigger for the i3, plenty of time overnight for a full recharge
  9. After having a rattle in the front of the F01 since I put a CarPlay module in, decided enough was enough and it needed to be found. Pulled the front dash apart, tied up the module etc. still there. After some assistance from the boss driving so I could diagnose and find the rattle, this took the steps of you drive I’ll pull the car apart while where going. Determined it was the lower trim under the glovebox which had a metal clip that pushes up, but being previously removed it was bent and not tight enough have a small resonance. Job done, serene 7 back, now I do need to change out those run flats.
  10. Breaker

    M4 CSL

    Very few options I believe, it’s a collector car, only 1000 being made so apart from press cars they will probably barely even see road use let alone track. BMW have said it’s a road car first with some track optionality also. Great vid from Misha re talking on his thoughts, pretty accurate IMHO
  11. I see we’re only getting the i7 and no V8s or PHEVs 😕 and it’s long wheel base only
  12. Having had a F10 M5 and now an F01 750i, the seven is bigger but not overly so but has more presence, same chassis even. Definitely quieter and a more refined ride but we’ll balanced and can cut corners way better then you would think, but really they aren’t hugely different. I prefer the look of the 7 over the 5 when it’s in mSport SWB guise and particularly in LCI. You get a lot more bang for your buck in the 7, depreciation is definitely your friend buying second hand. Seats are way better (M5 excluded) Harmen Karden system is amazing!
  13. At 105kw, you would expect to have at least a 240v basic charger installed to feed it, that would give 7kw/hr minimums. Based on everyday use charging to 80 or 90% from say 10% your realistically only putting 80 kw in at a time, 11 to 12 hrs. I doubt many owners would come back one day and need to do more then another 450ks the next. Oh and cost to charge at 19c kW, even to 100kw (vege maths) $19. Not what I’d call a concern. RUCs are likely to be exempt for a new owner, rightly or wrongly till well past 2024 which is the current exempt period so for most new buyers, they’ll never pay a cent for their 3ton tank. oh and of cause theres a M60 even faster one coming!
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