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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/15 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    This c**ksmoker who tailgated me all the way up Wellington Street, then sat on his horn when I didn't take off at the lights in under a millisecond. I slowed down to p*ss him off so he overtakes me on the motorway overpass then does a cop style blocking manoeuvre just so he can jump out of his cheap truck to eff and blind at me in his f*cking stubbies. My six year old was in the back crying. What a c*nt. Plus he was about 60. I'm not a violent man but driving in Auckland could change that. EDIT: had a good laugh when he missed the filter light on Pitt Street because a fattie was crossing too slowly.
  2. 4 points
    Why do you have a data cap you noob? Ring your telco and tell them you are going to can them and move to another company that has no cap for cheaper. Then they'll just match whatever you can find online. It's pretty sh*t house that they don't give you a courtesy call asking if you want to upgrade. My girlfriends parents were paying $12x a month for 10 gigs until about a month ago.
  3. 3 points
    Have a family, a job, a home, I'm pretty happy at that.
  4. 3 points
    f**king microsoft shoving windows 10 up the arse of the laptop and busting the pitiful data cap. And it tried twice And it failed both times. c**ts.
  5. 2 points
    Nah mate, have you not seen the ads on TV? It's the people who drive at 10km over the limit that cause accidents. Got nothing to do with road worthiness
  6. 2 points
    Plus an E34 540 damn right you should be happy... Just don't sell it
  7. 2 points
    This thread is starting to sound like Silicon Valley and that show stopped being funny very quickly too.
  8. 2 points
    you are probably right, but thats like saying a lexus is the best toyota, its still an inferior product LInux and Apple are both superior OSs imo The biggest problem with Windows in my opinion (and Android to a certain extent too) is it try's to be an all new product each time, desktop totally different on each version, buttons moved from one place to another etc I know my way around it now of course, but working in an IT company naturally I would, but we arent even in the typical market of PC servicing for customers, but have had a good dozen or more customers asking us to roll thier new 8 laptop back to 7. i have no doubt that reflects in the sales of main street PC repair shops. I guess in the case of both Microsoft and Android they need a one size fits all for a variety of manufacturers, so honing it to suit a particular hardware brand or model isnt possible. On the other hand, jump into the seat behind an Apple from the 80s and then one from 2015, its all familiar, looks the same, same way to access stuff for 25 years, anid pulls the most out of the specs. an Apple with half the specs still out performs a windows machine (which is why non-apple people think apple is expencive because they base on thier experience with xxx specs on a windows machine) iOS not quite to the same extent, its essentially the same in menu, home screen, etc. I would put take a gamble putting money on Microsoft being a company of the past within the next 10-15 years. The only reason its still alive is becuase its the standard in the business world. To give 10 its beans though, it will be the next Corporate OS most likely, so it should be fairly well designed with no wierd new stuff, microsoft usually use the offside OSs for thier tests ie 98/2000, Vista, 8, etc as a basis to build thier next corporate OS on which is probably in the 90% or so of thier customer base
  9. 2 points
    Good point, Vivid memories of my old man bashing a dude in his 20s for hit and running us after the speedway... good one dad..
  10. 2 points
    I think I prefer my six year old to see someone else being a c*nt than watch his dad beat the living daylights out of a senior.
  11. 2 points
    If he's so eager to get somewhere in a hurry a Great Wall probably wasn't the best purchase. Lucky it didn't melt with the weekend's rain.. Got no time for idiots like that.
  12. 2 points
    At last the collection of underneath bits is complete. The clutch & flywheel took nearly 4 months to arrive ex USA via kiwishipping. The nzd was a lot stronger back then so buying this lot now wouldn't be as fun. Major surgery carried out next week including : - clutch - flywheel - rear main seal - driveshaft guibo and centre bearing - engine & trans mounts - new exhaust fasterners and mountings - gear shifter rebuild with all new bushings and fittings.
  13. 2 points
    Please note: I am unable to confirm if it does "phat skidz" or if it "goes hard gee". Backwards cap wearers will likely be gently turned away
  14. 1 point
    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Members/Listings.aspx?member=2386401 Almost all the auctions are tyres well out of date, many produced before year 2000 4 or 5 year old tyres, i dont have as strong opinion as some people here, ahem Ron ahem, but i think we can all agree 15 year old tyres are well overdue, surely it is/should be illegal to profiteer from these deathwishes?
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Always cool to see more people in e34's. Check out the birdnest of wires underneath the back seat. That may help sort out your reception, you have to follow everything from beginning to end. Modern stereo units have a bit more grunt too. Pull off your inner door card. sounds like something has detached. Welcome.
  17. 1 point
    Waiting for my Mrs to do that..... She locked a kid in the supermarket carpark once, while loading groceries..... luckily she managed to coax him into pulling the handle twice... just as I pulled up after leaving work! Guy next door to me does calls for the AA, and he had 32 calls on a weekend, a month or two back!
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Sweet! When do you want to do the engine mounts and valve cover?
  20. 1 point
    People who write 'following' on facebook posts. I don't want to have to sift through all those to find out the answer to my question. Use the 'turn on notifications' option. You are wasting e-paper.
  21. 1 point
    Yep - the main cable come forward from the boot, to a junction is a plastic (red) surround... OK - asked Uncle Google - easier: 12V+ in there
  22. 1 point
    Oh yeah sorry man, blind as can't read my own writing. Top is return. Middle feed. Bottom is the breather.
  23. 1 point
    Can't see ios being any good in a corporate environment unless all you're doing is checking emails and internet.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    You can find his home address via his plate at the post office (or at least you used to be able too). Drop round with a nicely typed letter pop it under the wiper on the vehicle that looks most like his wife's, if hes as much of an ass-hat at home as obviously is on the road his wife will be punishment enough! Works a treat my wife did it once then meet the wife a few years later through work almost felt sorry for the verbal bashing she gave him. As Michael said highlights how sh*t some peoples lives must be.
  26. 1 point
    always turn off automatic updates if you havent already. windows updates are basically a waste of time and internet data. juggernaut: download and run a program called 3dpchip, it will find you all the drivers for whatever your computer/laptop has and you can download and install them. westy: call up your internet provider and tell them your situation and they *should* be able to help you out a bit. they are generally nice about genuine mistakes such as this
  27. 1 point
    In Good condition, from an Audi V10 See listing for measurements. $120 http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=927644232
  28. 1 point
    Jeez mate, she almost looks good! Like, proper good.
  29. 1 point
    Would not recommend kiwi shipping. Have had no end of trouble with them, gearbox still sitting in their US depot 3 months after it turned up there, multi phone calls, emails, nothing ever gets followed up. Have used shipito and they were pretty good.
  30. 1 point
    Been on and off in terms of selling it, just more motivated to sell it now as I need the garage space in order to finish the Alpina and M compact projects.
  31. 1 point
    2.5 hours left of work... ...today
  32. 1 point
    My E34 528i factory manual.
  33. 1 point
    How deep are your pockets, Darren?
  34. 1 point
    Looks like he's pulled quite a few out of retaining walls! Eww!
  35. 1 point
    Yep bang on Lionel, rather keep it for w/ends etc, will see how it goes... If it does go I know I'll be hard pressed to ever replace it. I've a new daily which was agreed to by my CFO (read wife) on the ground I made a solid effort to sell the 330 and the 540. 330 will go up in a few days/week and I'm quietly hoping she'll over look the black 540 in the back shed, I'll buy her something nice as a distraction. I'm not trying to sell it
  36. 1 point
    Got to drive a F31 320d for the weekend. Very fun car.
  37. 1 point
    Just greatful you didn't find the bag of coke.
  38. 1 point
    my as well let my auction expire then lol thats a very good price
  39. 1 point
    not the woman with the kid I'm guessing
  40. 1 point
    I remember getting my e39 528i ppi'd @ glenns. Impressed to see the right rear speaker listed as not working. That's pretty thorough!
  41. 1 point
    Cheers guys, ended up just calling the AA and the bloke had seen a few like this before -he wedged the door frame and threaded a rod through to hook and pull the bonnet release. Car in the garage now with battery charging. Will get the door lock replaced ASAP so this doesn't happen again.
  42. 1 point
    Sadly, was only driving it to drop into my mechanic for a combustion test. Possible headgasket leak. FML! EDIT: Am guessing where you mean by 'spaghetti junction'. Auckland's is a bit more this... Than this...
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    No, just having a laugh. Lighten up. Sent from my SM-G360G using Tapatalk
  45. 1 point
    Please, dear god, tell me that's how you plan on doing this.
  46. 1 point
    I might add. Everyone is capable of making mistakes...sh*t can and does happen. We all strive in the industry to prevent this sort of thing happening. Injury or death from this negligence would put you before the courts.
  47. 1 point
    Found an oil leaking pipe on the 330i. Need to put that on the to do list for mum! Fixed my ultrasonic mirrors, die water drops!
  48. 1 point
    After a few more hours than I anticipate we got the front and side skirts mounted, taking a break for a week or so before moving onto building the rear valance, then onto tidying up the rest of the body work. After paint stripping the chrome bumper, previous owner had painted it black Transferring the bumper plastics and adjusting to fit the new lower part Poor shot of side skirts, but it was already 11pm and I have work tomorrow Shiny
  49. 1 point
    Thanks, might be up for sale sometime soon. The E34 I mean, not the cat.
  50. 1 point
    Well, bugger me sideways, spoiler turned up this morning on the courier, no issues! I did get a bit worried when the tracker was showing it had been sent to Australia from Latvia., but there you go. A day under two weeks to get here, excellent. All looks to be in one piece, and is very well wrapped up, so will rip it all open tonight when I get home.
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