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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/20 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Its 2020, if it wants to identify as a manual, who are we to judge.
  2. 3 points
    Happy now William ? Ooops I forgot the question mark...sorry
  3. 3 points
    Just follow the 130i post in the Trademe section of the forums. Every half decent 130i gets posted in there. So much going on. Accidental Purchases. Full Trademe ad analysis'. All sorts.
  4. 2 points
    Self taught...as in reading manuals, looking at videos etc. You could pick up a lot of the basics and then drill yourself on it. What little I saw was of somebody who had perhaps had some weapons handling training etc, but very little/no operational/training experience (especially if you consider the before and after). I wont dive deeper on this medium. My point is, that even if sponsor checks etc are done, somebody of previous good character who goes rogue, can't be guarded against easily. This is where I think the UK gun club membership thing and that you must actually attend the club can help...you just can't get licensed and disappear off with your arsenal never to be seen again.
  5. 2 points
    Also that its quite a specific/specialised forum and tbh there is not a whole lot happening in terms of new/exciting stuff so people (mostly long time members) just tend to banter about the little bit of content that we do get. new member sign up probably because there is no promotion or marketing, and low retention because there isnt much reason to stay. Some people join to say hi and make an effort to post, informative or not. And some join to ask a question and bugger off again till next time. To really bring this forum back to life needs leadership, management, and some kind of direction, just like any company or business. At the moment we are just a local lunchbar selling pies and can drinks ticking along slowly, not some michelin star restaurant that is innovative and forward thinking. getting a but off topic sorry
  6. 2 points
    I still can't resist buy stuff online, this time from a well know classic car enthusiast in Pahiatua of all places! A bit of bling to brighten up the engine bay (and maybe some performance increase due to strongers spark...) Now the first side is pretty much ready for the GRP panel to go in, I have started on the other side of the car - idea being to fit both of the guards at the same time as I am rivet and gluing them in. This side is a little more tricky as the vent bottle for the petrol tank is tucked up inside the wheel arch, so trying hard not to damage that in the proces of cutting everything out and cleaning everything up. Plus this side is where a replacement rear quarter was tacked on after I backed it into the safety barriers at Pukekohe many years ago, so there is a bit of tidying up to do around that in places, rust to be treated etc.
  7. 2 points
    Get ready for this, especially if the Greens end up in any sort of position of power after the election. Luckily Winston shot down their initial half-baked cut and paste ideas about controlling cars and their emissions. It won't take long for the areas of Motorsport and modified and/or performance cars to get the spotlight shone onto them.
  8. 2 points
    Dave, I'm sorry you've interpreted my explanation as condescension, that was not my intent.
  9. 1 point
    How complex is coding a second hand one of these? Been quoted 1700 for a new one (to fix a bulb error!) on Dad’s E91
  10. 1 point
    I see a lot of praise for Eurosurgeon on here, but I have to say I am having a nightmare dealing with Joe. I sent a CIC unit up to be coded in early May, I didn't hear anything from them so I phoned them a few times and left messages, no reply. In early June I got hold of Joe by phone and he said to email him so I did. No reply. I few days latter I got hold of him and I got told yes it's done, it just hadn't ben sent back, after waiting another 10 days it still didn't arrive, so several more phone calls and messages, still no reply, I finally get hold of Joe, the excuse was "I thought you would have had it by now' my reply was "No, what is the tracking number"? They finally sent it back the following day and when I opened the parcel the face plate with the buttons was missing, I made several more phone calls again left messages with no reply, finally I got hold of Joe and asked about the faceplate, he said he would look into it. A week went by no reply so a few more phone calls and I again get hold of Joe, this time I get told it was found on the bench and he would send it to me. Well that was two weeks ago and I'm still waiting on it, a few more phone calls with no answer and no returned message, I finally get hold of him and he hangs up on me then immediately txts me (from the same number) to say his phone is rebooting as it's playing up and he will return my call, well no surprise no returned call From this experience it doesn't seem like this business is very good at customer service, have any others experienced service like this from Eurosurgeon?
  11. 1 point
    @promo is your man, my FRM exploded similarly after Carly killed it and he recoded it remotely. Legend.
  12. 1 point
    The Police problem is that they continue to be expected to do more but can't even afford to do what they're doing now. They haven't been resourced to respond to burglaries for nearly 20 years... I'd say guns, until it really matters (i.e. too late), are way down on their priority list. I don't blame the cops. What they could do though is take all the twats that are assigned to sit on the side of the road all day snagging people for doing 105-111 and reassign them to something that'll actually make a difference.
  13. 1 point
    Yeah, for example I liked the faded M badge because it showed it was original and not an ebay special. And then I stuck an ebay sticker on anyway. ? I do like the OP's 540, doing some good work there!
  14. 1 point
    Out of all the forums I'm on I don't think there are many that are as abrasive and toxic as this one. It's no wonder we have such low new member signup and retention.
  15. 1 point
    I've seen a few pictures of VQ35's here and there but have not seen a VQ37 as yet ... I like the challenge of getting it all sorted but would be nice to see some more resources out there !! Latest problem is differing wiring between the Infiniti G37 and Nissan 370Z (USDM) which makes me question the 370GY Skyline wiring I am looking at also ... just more work to validate everything really. Back to the bushings, getting some varied vibes really so am a bit on the fence again ... @zero are you recommending a mix of polyurethane and rubber for different locations ?
  16. 1 point
    Changed the title to reflect the actual problem. Confirmed the Service and Lubegaurd has sorted the issue 100% for now. Lets see how long it lasts. So far 1000kms of testing.
  17. 1 point
    love the rear spoiler. looks fantastic.
  18. 1 point
    Anyone got a MSD81 DME, matching CAS and key? Cheers
  19. 1 point
    $40 last time I bought one (Mosen's), a good clean with sugar soap, a bit of your favorite preserving product, and good as...
  20. 1 point
    I did attempt removal of the PO's brain fart idea of an enhancement, but it was well stuck, so I left it...
  21. 1 point
    Uh-oh, you haven't gone THERE have you... look out!!
  22. 1 point
    I went to look at that silver one before I bought mine. They had it advertised for $19k at the time I think, and they wouldn't even let me test drive it unless I'd committed to buying it! It was low k's but the condition didn't match the price for me. I even offered them $16k for it (which I didn't intend to go through with, but wanted to see if that would be enough to drive it at least) and they just said no. No counter offer or anything! Guess they want it as a museum piece or something... Then I found mine with 125k on the clock, but just as good condition, and bought it for $8500. So yeah, as above, those examples at the dealers are way overpriced, but wait around and they do come up at decent prices, and I really think they are a bargain for what they are! Compare it to what people pay for Golf GTIs, and I know which one I'd rather have. I used to have a MK6 Golf R, which was a $30k car at the time, and I am much happier driving the 130!!
  23. 1 point
    More preparations... Yeah I know, I didn’t have lifting gear amongst my collection of tools. Last time I pulled an engine of my own, it was block-and-tackle over a gatepost archway and GST was 10%! ?
  24. 1 point
    I had an endorsed licence for 27 years and had a number of rifles, machine guns and pistols on that licence, I had/have a strong room, wireless alarm and two dogs that dont like strangers. My security is/was top notch. I have been through 2 lots of vetting, and my background and who I associate with has been reviewed in depth. I have also worked as an advisor to Police for the past 5 years on appointment by members of the Law & Order Select Committee. I also worked on the team that priced all the firearms for buyback and am a registered police valuer and range inspector. I can tell you Police management of the Arms act is very poor. When road policing stats look bad the district commanders raid the Arms budget so they can try and bump up the road statistics. Arms Officers are overworked and vetting officers are paid a pittance. An incident like Christchurch was a tragedy, but if Tarrant didn't have a licence this would not have happened. He had no underworld connections to get guns so he would have really struggled to find what he wanted. Police were slack at Aramoana, they did not follow up when the Napier Gunman lost his licence and one of their own was killed as a consequence and they have failed to deal with gangs and guns. Saying that MSSA firearms are a bad look for Gun owners is a joke, it's like saying high performance cars are bad look for SUV drivers. I sold back well over $150k worth of WW2 collectible firearms in the buyback, the Govt trampled over democratic process and vilified firearms owners so they could promote the buyback (Paid confiscation). They banned ammunition that is far less lethal than many readily available hunting rounds and refused to pay for it, worse still they could not even clearly define what was actually banned. They worked on appearance and hyperbole rather than fact and rushed it so no once could argue. They are typical socialists who hate firearms on principle and I can tell you that some of the regulations (not subject to democratic process) are draconian, have been dreamed up by people who have no idea what they are doing and are totally ineffective. What you should worry about is when they turn their eye towards vehicles especial if there is a Labour/Green coalition. You can bet a tax on the type of cars we like will be in there somewhere and dont bet that they wont ban some things outright.
  25. 1 point
    How many terrorists and gang members hold a FAL in NZ? How many firearms offences are committed by FAL holders yearly? How many firearms offences are committed by gang members yearly? Perhaps we can reflect on how licenced firearms owners must be one of the most law abiding segments of society. And how, just maybe, targeting them with more legislation and restrictions will change none of society's problems... Because they cause none of them.
  26. 1 point
    I have been doing a bit of research into this and it does seem that the units are all pretty much the same. What would seem to matter is the Android version, earlier than 8 is sluggish and can be buggy, V9 and 10 seem to work well. 4g or Ram and 64g of Rom seems to be what you want. I am looking seriously at one of these units for a CCC E90 it seems to be the most practical way to go about getting a workable system into the car. Only downside is that Audio quality is good rather than great.
  27. 1 point
    They suck at replying and really obnoxious to deal with.
  28. 1 point
    Yeah, nothing like the nightmare you are having, but I enquired about upgrading the stereo in the M5 and adding a camera, took a couple of goes to actually get hold of them and the response I got made me decide not to use them at all. I had heard good things about their work but bad customer service is a massive red flag for me with any business.
  29. 1 point
    Back in the day when I got my fire arms licence your guns were registered against that licence. Your property was inspected and all firearms were sold with a transfer against that licence to another holding a licence. This included private and commercial sales This system should be brought back in and policed appropriately. Online sales should be made illegal. Pick up only after all the paper work is carried out and registered..... My opinion
  30. 1 point
    Both the government and the media have let us down on this one. Jacinda doesn't seem to get held to account like her predecessors were.
  31. 1 point
    I bought many more horsepowers for the car from the parts dept... I was in two minds about putting the M3 badges on a non-M3 as it really is a pet hate of mine. As this is 1) a race car with lots of genuine M3 parts, least of which engine and box plus 2) it’s a tribute to JRs car and that had the badges on, then I can sleep at night with my decision.
  32. 0 points
    We share particularly different viewpoints at times. If you interpret that as an argument, seek help. And for the record, I'm not Jesus.
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