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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Made contact. Going to view asap. Has non normal working hours.
  2. 2 points
    imported some 18” versions of these. Now have a Wof
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    I'll avoid turning this thread into a mental health journal, but I have not had a good time recently! The missus convinced me to go to hospital last week, a place I stubbornly avoid. I ended up staying for a while... Long story short, I had to have surgery to remove my gallbladder, and I was diagnosed with type one diabetes. I've been feeling less than well for years, but recently it really ramped up with severe pain in my side. I'd been to my doctor, had all sorts of scans and tests, and it was chalked down to chronic back pain. I was always pumped full of painkillers and sent home, not good for the physical or mental health once they wear off. I'd actually quit my job as a builder, stopped playing sport, stopped surfing, and was worried I'd have to stop working on cars because everything was just getting too painful to do. It basically felt like I couldn't do any of the things I'd worked hard towards and the things I loved doing anymore. The diabetes thing, well, the doctor said I'd put up a hell of a fight and done well to avoid a coma with the blood sugar level I came in with, but my body had just given up, but it can all be managed well now. I'm actually relieved to have a diagnosis, and since the surgery my back pain has all but gone. It's honestly gave me so much hope. It's a six week recovery, with the first two doing very little, something I'm not great at. While I was laid up in bed I came across SOUP Classic Motoring on Youtube: Might be of interest to folk. It's really kept me going, and I'm looking forward to getting back in the shed when I can. The reason I've posted this here is that I've had a lot of support from communities of like-minded folk like Bimmersport, and I just want to thank the people that have reached out, offered to help and everything else. Hopefully I can get Mo on the road for Summer, not much left to do there, and then turn my attention to saving the 325i. Bit to do on that one! Josh
  5. 1 point
    Hey everyone, I've got a E30 dream! How I get there...hoping some E30 enthusiasts can help. The dream would be a e30, manual, swapped M52b28 (or better, but from reading this is best bang for buck). 2 door preferred but door more common so that's OK also. Currently I don't own anything but have been looking for a straight e30 to start. First option and less likely, anyone selling their own finished project (unlikely I know)? Otherwise advise on best path and who could do the work (I can do basics but not a full engine swap)? Cheers Tim
  6. 1 point
    Yeah, sorry, I didn’t put that very well - would be better to say I’m surprised someone is prepared to pay that money for a car with basic faults. I’ve always been wary - if someone’s not bothered to fix the easy stuff, what else have they “put up with..”?
  7. 1 point
    E30 coupe sitting in the Bunnings queue in front of me right now. 😀 Anyone on here?
  8. 1 point
    @Ghost Chip Kind of loud pattern, but probably the cleanest pair of fishnets I've seen for a while? In AKL too
  9. 1 point
    I've seen this up close a few times and no way it's a 6k car, maybe half that?
  10. 1 point
    Dollar reserve I guess. I’m more surprised that it’s hit $23k before (presumably) anyone had even looked at it…
  11. 1 point
    Wow, that’s getting up there. Looks a very decent car, but I struggle with the fact that three basic faults, odo gears, radio and pad wear sensor haven’t been sorted for that kind of money.
  12. 1 point
    Same can be said for selling cars in NZ too. People, what a bunch of bastards.
  13. 1 point
    Unlikely. More likely is that this listing will be pulled, or relisted. Past performance is an indication of future activity.
  14. 1 point
    I hate buying cars in NZ. My attempt today has gone totally ignored. I'm short on time and the guy is not answering any of the means of contact he posted.
  15. 1 point
    Been messaging and phoning since 7am. No response. Been looking for a sister car for my race car for some time. Have actually left notes on this car in Wellington to buy it in the past.
  16. 1 point
    I wonder if the 60k vert will change his price based on this listing
  17. 1 point
    Dunno if this link will work, but found some racaros for sale: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/147078040937173/
  18. 1 point
    Not sure, an E30 on standard springs looks like a startled cat, could be the originals that have sagged a bit over time as the ‘vert is a bit of a lardarse. Another one I will be watching intently, for valuation purposes.
  19. 1 point
    I actually recently changed GP and she's a much better listener, but yeah, frustrating to say the least. Sound advice Olaf!
  20. 1 point
    Yeah, I'm not looking forward to playing in this sellers market TBH... Although I already have a about 6 people trying to buy my E46 so it goes both ways 🤣
  21. 1 point
    This. I had a similar story trying to buy an e30. Negotiated with the seller, wouldn’t budge and mentioned that if I was wanting to “secure it then <insert price>“ is what he’s looking for. Ended up biting the bullet and agreed. Asked him to send the list he said he was compiling of what was done to the car and also when I could pick it up. He then replied that he’ll suss it and “go forward from there”. After a bit of back and forth I got told to “take it easy” and we’ll “sort things out over the next few days.” Two days later I get a message saying that the “previous owner wanted to buy it”. I told him it’s up to you what you do. Then the next day he mentions he has another guy ready to buy and then a few hours later told me that it’s been sold. Told him that I had a feeling it was going to happen (could tell straight away from how he replied when I agreed to his price) and mentioned that we had a deal but I guess money talks, to which he then says that he’s “super sorry” and that it was “tough to let it go” and that the new owner has “promised him” that when he comes back to NZ (he’s overseas) “he will sell it back no questions asked” Probably played everyone to try push the price higher and higher. To be honest in these instances, even though he wasted my time (thankfully nothing more), I really am more thankful that I dodged a bullet. If that’s the character of the guy selling, I don’t want to buy anything from him.
  22. 1 point
    Looks superb. You’ve great taste 👍
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Yes... I have noticed that in some societies there has been this curious trend to categorise people into generations or age bands, and then make the broadest of broad assumptions that being in a particular age band means that a person will behave or think in a certain way. This is a simplification so stunning in its naivety that I can only assume that it is an attempt to create divisions in society and set one generation against another. Kind of like the warfare games so popular on US TV... after the democrats vs the republicans, next up the millennials vs the boomers... followed by the British vs the Irish, Russia vs the Ukraine and for the grand finale, Muslims vs the whole western World !!! However, the plot fails when the person being categorised is unfamiliar with (and does not care) which division he/she is supposed to be playing in, and therefore does not know how he/she is supposed to act and think. Generalisations are useful to a point, but when they become a means of turning one age group, minority, race or religion against another it's time to rethink the rules. Just saying... no offence intended to any person living or dead Cheers...
  25. 0 points
    Nothing to update other than trans is in limp mode. I haven't driven it for a while and intermittently chuck the battery on trickle charge. Last time I drove it was in limp mode from cold start and I haven't been able to clear it by disconnecting battery. It was driving fine before this so I assume it's a battery issue as I've been pretty bad to it. WOF also expired in August and I know it will need new park brake shoes to pass. Considering just putting reg on hold and leaving it until we're at our new place but summer is also here so don't know what to do!
  26. 0 points
    F%*&ng waste of space sellers. "We'll buy", we said. "When can we collect?" Arranged to collect from home address "at any time after 3pm". Get there at 3.10 after a 1-hour drive, 75km. No-one round. Message seller, no reply. Hang around for over half an hour - nothing. No replies to more messages. Leave at 4... Get a message at 4.20 - "Sorry, we're at home now." (Seller was aware of the journey we were making.) Message them again - "If we pay some money into your account, will you hold it for us?" No reply. Same message 12 hours later. No reply. Item shows as sold. "Are you holding it for us?" "We had someone collect this and pay cash. You can appreciate its first in with cash. Thank you." F%*&ng waste of space, time, money, fuel... 😡😡😡😡
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