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hybrid last won the day on January 16

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1045 Excellent

About hybrid

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/01/1977

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  • Name
    Josh P
  • Location
  • Car
    '86 e30 m325i with s50b32
  • Mods List
    6 pot Wilwood BBK, S50b32, Koni shocks, Eibach Springs, Custom Race Exhaust, Datalogger / Display, 5Lug, M-Coupe Drive Train, 325hp

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  1. Nice one man, the car is looking awesome
  2. When M cars are no longer actual M cars. Its like TV, I turned off a few years a go.
  3. The one I designed I've been running for the past 10 years in the e30. GEARP is displayed as the large number in the middle. I also use a clutch switch (simple reid switch) to remove erroneous data during shifts and coming to a stop, it also was also quite good for calculating faster shifting and resultant increases in time for time attack runs when I use to do it in this car around the track.
  4. Gear postion is relatively easy to calculate from speed and rpm.
  5. Know the car well and the owner. You're more than fine. PS yes he is one of the OG administrators on here.
  6. manditory pics and meetup when you get it
  7. Drove this a few times and all I can say is its got supercar like performance but all the manners off the gas. A true sleeper but with all the right bits on it.
  8. The problem is new vehicles and the LED (laser wavelength) headlights can set of false alerts. I just leave laser turned off as there isn't really a point of having it turned on anyways bacause the way a police laser gun works. It already has its fix on first alert. K and Ka bands with camera and fixed speed trap GPS is perfect for 95% of the time.
  9. Yeah its worth the extra you pay for the r8nz.. she's a bit pricey, but the way I looked at it after getting a speight of small tickets (post covid) over a 1 year period and one final large one were I got caught out thinking I was in a 100kph and in fact a 80kph (was an honest mistake) it left me quite poor on the demerits. So got serious about not letting that happen again over the next few years. Before any of this I hand not had a ticket in 15 years, my driving didn't change (I drive 99% of the time like anyone else) , something else definitely did.
  10. Highway radar will link to my R8NZ over bluetooth, link to waze crowd source data and display police reports, link to air traffic and display your position on a map. It uses all of this data to display alerts on screen with proximity. When you come across a detection from the radar it will display the band, strength, direction, radio frequency. It will then run the sound over bluetooth audio to your stereo (if you have bluetooth audio on your phone linked to your car audio) .. If you want it to it will read out the alerts in text to speech. which is amazing for not worrying about looking at your radar detector. Having Waze also running is handy in split screen mode if youre navigating. Both display speed, but Highway radar also display the speed limit and your actual speed right next to each other 100% of the time which is great to keep on top of Wata Katastrophies ever changing speed limits every 2 minutes.
  11. Dead keen to come have a look at it
  12. I ended up getting the Uniden R8NZ. With bluetooth support and linking into highway radar its amazing for notifications. Most of the time it will clock a Ka band from a stalker II around 2.5ks or at worst around 1.5ks. With the direction and signal strength it makes it quite easy to work out where they are and even more handy is it will track up to 3 different sources at the same time which is then displayed to my phone as active alerts. Using the R8NZ with highway radar and waze in split screen mode for open road driving is epic.
  13. Forgot to post the final outcome. While I was up getting some work done at HellBM I snapped these off.
  14. I do know of another for sale at the moment.
  15. Then it was onto the final primer. Super stoked how the panels turned out. It will be back out for another leveling sand of the final primer then over the next few weeks is final colour (Polaris-Metallic) then final finishing and re-assembly.
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