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Everything posted by hybrid

  1. hybrid

    The bastard child.

    sounds perfect track spec.
  2. The e36 m3 external expansion tank is the best option as others say. Its a lot better than aftermarket designs even if its made from nylon. another big must do is keeping the expansion chamber on-level or better still above the radiator.
  3. The clutch setup depends on what spring rating they wound it up too. Normally Autoclutch mark it on the pressure plate. Anything above 2000ft pound is fine. Gearbox should be find to handle it if your not abusing it. What year is your car ? there are a few differences in the years of m3 and e36s wiring wise. EWS isnt too difficult to sort out. Its really easy however if you get the Key, EWS and DME from the same car. Then you dont have to make it up and do witch craft to get it going
  4. This is _the_ OG tech wan m325i to have.
  5. hybrid

    M20 Turbo's

    American horse power is different to every body elses. Then there is internet horse power .. that sh*t has the 1.75X multiplier added to it.
  6. I love the 'know it all' comments youre getting from joe public Nice work and well deserved
  7. You need to get a scanner on it and look at the live data from the MAF, O2 sensors (pre and post cat) and additive and multiplicative adaption values to see what the car is doing first. This needs to be done under different load conditions. It will then give the right place to look for you problem. The ECU has a very good knock detection so it will just simply shut the engine into engine limp mode if the car is running either too lean. The engine will then not rev over 1500 RPM.
  8. Was rolling around in this yesterday haha .. It is a very nice car and the second lowest K model in NZ next to Toms car. Some friends of ours father owns it.
  9. second hand = rocking horse sh*t just get new, theyre not that expensive. E30 m3 left cover 51711380392 and E30 m3 middle cover 51711380391 enjoy
  10. hybrid


    Remeber fellas there is such a thing as going too light on an s50 engine. Screws with the harmonic balance in the higher rpm ranges because of the longer crank design than most engines.
  11. Its a better attitude than most people and the head in the sand approach.
  12. hybrid

    M3 worklog

    I wish we had more people like you owning BMWs you're a credit to car enthusiasm. Enjoy your new car haha
  13. nice tech1 ... get some bloody photos up of it will ya! PS nice e46 btw .. really nice clean approach to modding it.
  14. PM Ollie with questions .. or email on ollie@ bimmersportdotcodotnz
  15. 540 m62TU water pump preventative replacement with metal impeller. Also preventative clutch fan replacement. Take that cooling system ... I won the battle bitch... you loose
  16. My e30 sits on a trickle charge/maintainer and it works perfectly. This on a 5 year old battery too! I use my charger also when im testing the ECU .. the car stays in the on position (motor not running) for hours. EG 14 hours at a time and it still maintains charge. The key is to keep your battery in top order all of the time and it will last you years.
  17. hahaha Graham you crack me up every time
  18. I could have helped if you were on android. Im not a windows ce user. I think user mspec did a while a go
  19. Thwre is only one brand worth dealing with .. RAM Mount Beat place is camzilla in aus. I use this in the e30 for my s2 http://www.camzilla.com.au/products_info/i...droid-car-mount
  20. hybrid

    F10 M5

    *off topic alert*
  21. yeah no more load hesitation any more.. Still throwing sporadic fault @ 2900rpm but I have a feeling thats a vaccum/vanturie issue when the car gets to that RPM .. I forgot to reset the adaption and drove home with a strange problem of the DME almost spluttering every 4 seconds and light load or maybe 8% TP. Reset the adaptions yesterday and drove it around all day with no issues apart from O2 relocation needed. Also looked at the M-coupe's readings and they are far different to mine at idle. Mine only really start to do something if there is decent pressure in the exhuast pipe ... Like around 10% TP. PS I love data logging ... you get the real story
  22. Nice car you have yourself there Welcome
  23. hybrid

    m3 tyres

    what are your rim dimensions ? Do you just want them for daily driving? Will you be using them on the track?
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