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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. as said, they are totally legal to own in New Zealand, so they are not breaking the law by fitting them. Dealers just wouldn't risk it if they were illegal etc
  2. yep you got to put it in on the right angle as well or it will go in and short the plug out. Probably the one time you want to convert to a japanese plug in there. i have thought about it many times. there was no universal one size fits all back then, because car chargers for stuff hadn't been invented yet.
  3. give me more info on said cookies?? Pretty simple job, quite common to be leaking or weeping at this age, recommend buying new, BMW dealer will have a listing, no idea on price, or get it made up at a hydraulics place, but probably need a spare part to show them what you want. the other alternative is delete the power steering system all together. a lot of 316i don't have it. The M40 engine in your car is not very heavy, steering is still pretty light when you are moving. make sure you get a smaller belt that bypasses the power steering pump, you don't want that spinning anymore.
  4. its a NZ right to be able to listen in to any frequency here, even police and military bands. However It is illegal to act on information received on an unauthorised channel, or interfere and/or broadcast on frequency you don't have a permit/licence for. Technically, slowing down after a radar going off would be acting on information from unauthorised channel, but that would be almost impossible to prove in court. For all intents and purposes, radar detectors are 100% legal to own and operate in new zealand. scrambling laser however, very easy to prove use in court, as its interfering on a channel you don't have a licence to operate on. However it is totally legal to own and have installed. Most systems these days also work as parking sensors etc or have other features too.
  5. Pelican is cheap providing you are buying some other stuff too, otherwise it is usually cost neutral to your NZ options. When buying new parts, try Paul at Milland, and Gavin at EuroItalian. Both do NZ Couriers overnight shipping NZ wide
  6. since buying my one about 2 years ago just after i lost my licence i have had two speeding fines since, one it was off in the glove box, one i wasn't in my normal vehicle. I always use it in my work van too, especially when going away. a fine in a company vehicle is never really a good idea.
  7. generally its a new people that don't know how a forum works that post the question, so its a start anyways
  8. yes its there, bit of a prick to remove, but if you want to tackle it its all yours. its pretty weepy and just an open, don't really think its worth it. probably looking about $200 for my time plus shipping $50 to AKL if you want me to get it out
  9. I agree, above my pay grade though sorry.
  10. lil dont i look like a baller right now
  11. afaik Pedey writes etc for both NZPC and Speed hunters so thats why. I hurd dat
  12. you must get a sore neck watching the TV that high up on the wall, or is this in your cinema room with grandstand
  13. yeah just heard distinctive sound of an M20 wide open, its kinda sad when you can hear a bmw before you see it lol
  14. there is a thread here with pictures, will have an update for it this weekend some time i should rephrase, if you were spending 20k on your e30, the punters aren't going to be too short of a dollar and can probably find the not-much-extra for an M3. you can still get nice tidy facelifts for just on $10. i paid $6700 for mine 18 months ago, but admittedly was a very good deal, and the guy needed it gone, the ex wife wanted her slice of it. bitch. Yes probably, my E30 cabby is 9 months older than me, sat on a lot for a year before being registered when i was two months old. actually everything in my drive was made before i started school. They made all the good stuff in those years
  15. i have no problem with smokers provided that i don't need to breath it, or sight the butts on the sidewalk, etc etc. Like anything from my point of view, as long as it doesn't affect me, go right ahead. My best friend smokes, that is a bit annoying when you are at the pub just the two of you, a bit awkward waiting for your mate to come back every 10 minutes, but in bigger groups sweet as.
  16. i want a lid for mine! afaik it was never supplied with one. They are easily attainable out of the US or Europe, for $1500 or so, just the shipping makes it a bit uneconomical. I would put money on mine being as good as yours condition wise, mine comes from a similar history, just without the tourist delivery part Do you still have the original 15" basketweaves it came on? They will be $20k cars again in the future, but E30 M3 are still obtanium, i dare say a real E30 entusiest is still more likely to wait out for one of them if the budget allows.
  17. has that come down my way? I think i saw it today, ripping full noise down Taranaki St. At least looked the same down to the wide blue europlates Would quite like to know what exhaust is in it if it is the same car
  18. in before proper gearbox bandwagon arrives
  19. nah some manual bits though surplus to requirements depending what you need.
  20. my focus at this stage has been to get engine and gearbox out, will advise when i know. if anyone requires anything please let me know asap, won't be keeping body around as i already have a spare body in better knick just better colour, but let me know while i have double ups of some good stuff. will be packing the car with other rubbish parts been sitting here too long, so even e30 e32 e34 e36 stuff let me know
  21. I think i have read that exact post over 400 times on the internet. Please do not be offended by this, but have you actually done any research whatsoever? There are literally thousands if not tens of thousands of threads on the topic. what you need, what works and doesn't work, power expectations, etc etc etc. I spent more time researching than actually doing the job. sounds boring, but you will know when you are ready to do your swap and have your car off the road for minimal time
  22. Ill take you rolling in the Hutt when you get here. you aint seen nothing yet
  23. i do logistics for company i work for, in my experience ex and to wellington, shipping to and from dunedin is a lot cheaper than invercargil, all the big guys have a centre there, Invercargil seems to be treated like a satellite. if that is a viable solution for you, call STL Linehaul. Not sure if they do a cash account, but worth asking the question. you will be bending over if you use the boys in blue
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