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M5V8 last won the day on October 10 2015

M5V8 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

337 Excellent

About M5V8

  • Rank
    5th Gear
  • Birthday 05/26/1976

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Darren G
  • Location
  • Car
    E46 M3 SMG vert
  • Mods List
    CSL wheels - CSL gearbox ECU upgrade
  • Car 2
    Mercedes ML350
  • Race Car
    R32 GTR - SOLD

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  1. Mark had a timer. If I can get my laptop running I could time mine off the GoPro
  2. I like to think we had the fun end of the pit lane I feel sorry for the dude in the S500 first timer came in with his rear brakes smokin. That car did not look happy out there. Best news the M3 behaved all day and besides a soft brake pedal, which was expected today it feels perfect with only dirty wheels and feathering on the tyres to show for it. My mate and I were amongst the quickest in the medium class but the fast was abit too much of a stretch with those GTRs having easily +40kph on us. All in all a well run day with plenty of track time we even skipped a session. No wonder it's booking out.
  3. Nice to see / meet fellow Bimmersport members today. Mark / Hans I hope u had a good day.
  4. Prob not worth in since I hopefully shouldn't be spannering too much.I'll try to say hi tho hans. What car u running?
  5. I have some spare helmets / overalls if u r in need...
  6. I'll be there with a mate of mine in a E63 What's the garage status?
  7. M5V8

    MissBM V.2

    Is it the light or have you done a light smoke on the headlights?
  8. M5V8


    Welcome Mitchell.
  9. M5V8


    Ill take it if it's not sold yet
  10. the worst customer from the banks POV is one that uses the maximum card benefits and pays no interest. So whichever card you pick make sure you pay it off in the allotted time period. If that's hard choose a low interest card only and take any interest free deals you can. Look at what's important to you from the card. For me, airpoints are the biggest bonus, so I have a airpoints platinum card. Each month I pay off the balance therefore it only costs me the cost of the yearly card fee. Sticking everything we buy on it earns us enough points through the year for a free flight overseas along with the free travel insurance perks of the card. but it depends whats important to you
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