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Everything posted by Michael.

  1. Must have traded it in for a Kia.
  2. Awesome Brent, Love the sound of your fine machine!
  3. Gahh I bet, quite a tense time with 200kgs odd dangling in the air on a precarious angle! Yeah when swapped the motor in my car the whole front came off like so, it all just unbolts, made it a little bit less stressful!
  4. Not really IMO, The sixes are the only way to go if you want to get some decent power out of them without being too serious, its a bit hard with the 4s when they are pretty down on power compared to other 4 cylinders of the same era, just look at what Toyota was doing with its 4s in the 90s! Perhaps do an M52B28 conversion, seems the most popular upgrade (well in e30s), but you would also have to upgrade the entire drive terrain with the bigger gear... so it gets quite involved, enough so to just sell the 318i and get a 328i or similar for much the same money.
  5. Unfortunately its quite an expensive road the V8 + Manual BMW path. If I was to do that, I would get a tidy cheap 540i E39 and import a gearbox and all the conversion gear from Germany/USA. But then your just left with a stock 540i with a manual - still a heap to go to make it into a race car. Have you got a good budget?
  6. Very nice! Heck, looks tedious slotting that motor in on the E30s! One thing I like about the E36 is the whole front can come off, makes sliding an engine in and out so much easier.
  7. I have a small build thread in the project section, although I do look to make a new one later on. Mines nearly finished, just going over the final few touches before getting it certified next month. Runs very well, definitely a worth while conversion with plenty of potential.
  8. Can't expect more from such a crowd really!
  9. Mmmm nice, same colour as mine. Will be better with a wash and those god awful tail lights replaced! Have fun.
  10. I always loved what Jeremy Clarkson said about the soft top roof... that it "looks like a trampled hat" Hahaha
  11. Looks like a fun project! Agreed. Of course I am bias too, but a Toyota V8 or I6 engine are faultless engines. It's just the name that puts people off. Its reported anyway the M60 engine was developed after BMW looked to Toyotas 1UZ-FE for inspiration.
  12. Hmmmm care to elaborate there?
  13. Yeah, the steering wheel is one of the number most important things to clean!
  14. Michael.

    ///M 550d

    Thats mind blowing.
  15. Thats insane... why would you...
  16. Good point, it is ridiculous how they include some absolutely pointless cars in that game instead of ones they should be including.
  17. Good digital version. I wonder if you can get them in GT5...
  18. What a beauty, looks that stir desire!
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