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Young Thrash Driver

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Everything posted by Young Thrash Driver

  1. Give carb cleaner a whirl. Isopropyl alcohol should be safe too.
  2. Black coffee and chocolate cake for breakfast
  3. Aha so this is why you needed that 2nd E30 body!
  4. I think we are going to loose Ron to the Saab forum. (Does such a thing even exist???)
  5. I'll admit I have a thing for towbars- I'm a practical guy and I like my cars to be the same. But what is a towbar doing on this car? They have done a good job of making it shiny, I'll give them that.
  6. This might be a pretty minority opinion but I think AC Schnitzer stuff looks gay.
  7. How recently? A very smart looking blue one has turned up reasonably local to me, I first saw it maybe two months ago.
  8. Damn that's one hot looking E39... seriously though, "selling as needing a family car."??? What you going to do, buy an Odyssey?
  9. The grass in the silage stack they are ripping holes in was a gift from nature too.
  10. Pukekos squawking outside. There's going to be a cull tomorrow.
  11. Ha. As a law abiding firearms owner, don't get me started...
  12. Probably good for those inconvenient times when the local constabulary tries to spike strip yo' ass?
  13. As seen on TradeMe, wheel/tire package to suit an armoured E67. No mention of what they weigh... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=969966221
  14. Graham, have you gone mad??? Haha sounds like you are having way too much fun, good on you
  15. Good grief, how did I miss this thread? Great to see you (finally) found something! Good luck- looks like you may need a little bit Very interested to watch this projects progress.
  16. So how does that work, you sew a RFID chip into each pair of undies you own and it'll unlock for you when you get close to the car?
  17. Of course it has a bearing- but it's only because people are weird and think 160K is a high km car
  18. I agree pointless argument- a quick look around shows nobody else has done it. Feel like dyno-ing the two and reporting back? The internet will make you famous
  19. The Warehouse has this really nice brand, Samson, for cheap. Buy two and you will observe there is a colour difference...
  20. He won't need to... 2M JPY is a few hundy short of $25k. Pretty sure his house is worth that much more every fortnight at the mo.
  21. Cheap adjusties off TardMe are not a Bilstein equivalent. You want good gear, you will need to open your wallet...
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