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Everything posted by huff3r

  1. With folding seats make sure you secure it properly, velcro might not be enough, as it will be considered an unsecure load when it comes to WoF time. I was advised this when I had my Subaru, same as spare wheel needing to be secure, and not an issue where seats don't fold down .
  2. Yeah but for someone who sells stuff as a business?
  3. Tech savvy? I consider myself tech savvy and can't understand how people manage to make them that small! Do they use shitty auto-resize software or something?
  4. If it's still around in another 3 months I might be interested
  5. House is looking super-tidy for building inspector tomorrow. Stoked as with new kitchen, gutted to have got it in a week after buying another place... Also, 1st lifestyle block only a few weeks away!!
  6. I vote for two tone colour scheme! Need to get new daily so I can racecar my compact too.
  7. That's where westpacs air points debit MasterCard comes in . Easy to pay everything with it, and you will never fail to pay the bill at the end of the month because it is a debit card. Who offers rewards on a debit card?! It's genius.
  8. I've been looking at changing my Westpac MasterCard debit to the new Westpac air points MasterCard debit, but it is a slight increase in card fee. I could probably justify it if I use it as my main card instead of using a standard debit card. Best of both worlds with never having borrowed money, yet still earning air points through purchases!
  9. Sam's gorgeous maroon e36 coupe every single fricken morning on my way to work, going the opposite direction on fitzherbert.
  10. The wheelbase is actually the same, so driveshaft I'd imagine will be the same. As far as I understand it the shifter linkage on a 4 cyl conversion is slightly too long for a 6 cyl motor, and the front half of the manual driveshaft mates up with the rear half of the 6 cyl driveshaft to give the correct length. But I'm sure Glenn will know for sure.
  11. Day off tomorrow! 6 day weeks suck. Only a few more to go thankfully
  12. Trying to hide your regret for not getting with her when you had the chance?
  13. Nothing boring about house stuff!
  14. Find an mtech 1 steering wheel while you're at it. You won't regret it! I still have mine waiting patiently for when I get another e30
  15. It varies a lot. I think it's cost + a percentage or something. I don't regularly shop there but I get trade through NZDF.
  16. huff3r

    Quick rant thread.

    Working a public holiday, when most of camp is shut down
  17. Pretty much. Best option is trade discount if you know someone who can get it for you.
  18. Almost every sale at repco I've ever seen has been store stock only..
  19. Were they in stock? Or special order?
  20. Sold the $300 E36 today. Blown head gasket, a few parts missing etc. Still got $300 for it! Now I have space in the garage for the S2a
  21. No idea sorry, has been sold de-registered so many times I don't even know what the rego was. I do need to try track it down though, for when I re-register it. Do it.
  22. huff3r


    These are awesome. I did my Multi/IFR on them through CTC. Far more economical and better range than the petrol equivalent (they make them with a standard lycoming avgas engine too). And the noise they make. And the smell. Heaven.
  23. They pay about $60 for the Edge 5w30. Used to get stuff all off it with staff discount (Cost + GST + 10%) when I worked for FCO. Saved about $5 I think.
  24. It currently has a 186 holden in it, seems like a decent motor. Although I've been considering alternatives, I wonder how it'd go with a duratec if it'd fit. Something reliable and economical would be sweet, albeit a bit out of character!
  25. I washed it. It looks the same. That's nor dirt, that's damage. Paint is wrecked. Should be good fun making her good again!
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