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Everything posted by huff3r

  1. I've used ADOS before on my old falcon, both brush on and spray type. The spray type lasted about 6 months, the brush on much longer, however I put on too much and it stained through a little bit.
  2. I liked the pic, looked like a lotta nice metal/plastic
  3. Fixed broken fan switch by taping a jumper wire in place. Seems to be holding the temp down alright. Will need to replace it properly at some stage I guess.
  4. I said your comment was stupid, not yourself. Misinformation is common, and I don't blame you for being misinformed. Calling me rude and pulling my character into question, when you know absolutely nothing about me is a bit of an overreaction, and only a little bit hypocritical. I genuinely have no issue with you, I was simply expressing that as Andy said, your comment is rather baseless and the implied sarcasm actually made it worse. Whoever buys one of these 7 series will no doubt be getting a very good deal, all the while helping the government to recoup a large proportion of their costs.
  5. The obvious? It isn't so obvious. He is telling you to research it because they cost the govt far less than you think, and they will recoup a lot of their costs with the sale. The deal the govt made makes a Corolla look like a more expensive option. Therefore your comment was pretty stupid, because it was indeed a very wise spending of our tax money (no sarcasm!).
  6. Finally put the new thermostat that's been sitting on my windowsill for a month into the E30. Pretty simple to do, but definitely more annoying than the M20s I've had in the past. It has also made the air leak more noticeable, I should probably get around to tracing that sometime but I can't figure out how to take the intake manifold apart so I've given up for today.
  7. I think Andy is doing another run sometime soon, but he probably doesn't go SH2.
  8. This sounds like such a good idea. Better yet get a ti and engine swap it
  9. Very very accurate. I love my 40yo prom queen, she is still worth it
  10. Spotted parked in front of me at Ucol this morning.
  11. huff3r

    Quick rant thread.

    Can you branch this out to tradespersons, or just basically anyone in NZ with a web enquiry form on their website? I've stopped using them now and just ring, even though e-mail is far more convenient, as my success rate with web forms and getting a response is about 5%
  12. Welcome, check out the Wellington meets sub-forum and come along and meet the local crowd. Plenty of useful advice and parts hookups around
  13. huff3r

    Quick rant thread.

    Exactly. So pick a job you can do in the rest of the country. I mean this for young people who are in the position where a career change won't be too detrimental. Yeah Auckland salaries are good, but that doesn't mean disposable income is. If people aren't willing to make choices in order to be able to better afford housing, then they aren't really in a position to complain.
  14. huff3r

    Quick rant thread.

    I'd sell up and get rich? one can dream. Plenty of jobs here, just gotta pick the right industry from the get go, and also realise that with a lower cost of living $50-70k isn't a terrible wage.
  15. huff3r

    Quick rant thread.

    Huh, maybe in Auckland. Pretty much lap of luxury here for circa $350k. As long as you can find an industry that makes you employable here.
  16. Standing on my deck watching a herc turn finals over my paddocks into the sunset, and hearing the dull roar of reverse thrust as it touches down. I love living within the OH circuit.
  17. huff3r

    Quick rant thread.

    This whole argument is stupid, both sides of it. Yes there are ferns on graves overseas, yes there are many thousands of gravestones without ferns on them too. Currently deceased servicemen are buried in a casket dressed with the current flag, and it does hold a special importance to soldiers. Unfortunately many don't understand that importance as they have never stood to attention morning and night as it is raised and lowered. They have never fired a 21 gun salute to say goodbye to a friend, or hoisted the casket dressed in the flag. Many of those that have, and indeed everyone I have spoken too have said that the flag holds a special place in their heart, myself included. To belittle that importance without knowing it personally, as many journalists and others have done so, I find to be extremely insulting. Yes there are reasons why people may want to change the flag, but that particular one is not a good one at all. The RSA hold their position on it for a reason, we may not fully understand it, however we should still respect it.
  18. A grey 8 series leaving Palmy at 12:30 today, and a red 6 series at Lee European just down the road.
  19. Water tank is full and heavy rain forecast for later this week, so I washed it! Looks a little better, although no amount of wax is going to fix the clearcoat on the bonnet
  20. Quick oil change on the E30 and the Range Rover. Stoked to find the sump plug on the M40 is at the front, and accessible without lifting the car off the ground at all.
  21. Apparently there was a defense fabricated that his estranged wife needed the classic car with a button clutch in order to get his kids to school, despite her having her own car for this purpose. I highly doubt a blatant lie like that would have gone down well with a judge, and certainly at the least means he already failed the "character" test, so that the judge would not hesitate to lay down the full extent of the law at sentencing. Just what I've heard from another forum, but I wasn't there, I don't know his history or the full story. I do think it's justified though, if they'll do it to a boy racer who won't pay his fines, why not to a middle-aged man who is equally "anti-social".
  22. You have just under a month. Heaps of time.
  23. Yeah I was under the impression that speeding isn't really an issue for that, more like drink driving, dangerous driving etc. Things you go to court for. I do recall having to tell them about my traffic fines but I don't think they cared. We had someone got done for speeding week one of my flight school. Oops.
  24. Still smells of gas. Not as bad definitely, so at least one leak fixed.
  25. I was under the impression that if nzta found out the build date of a vehicle they would require it to be registered according to build date, not year first registered. I recall 5 or more years ago a similar argument to this on here, as someone had a car first registered as xxxx and built as a model year xxxx but at the end of yyyy and were forced to register it as a yyyy, even though it was built to the newer model specs. Can't find anything to back it up, and while the nzta site is now easier to navigate, it has also now lost 90% of its useful content.
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