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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    The hypocrisy of Jacinda claiming she is all about being caring and compassionate, while she covers up sexual assault to protect her political future. All the while she claims to be the most open and transparent government ever.
  2. Any updates on this amazing project?
  3. I have used a big impact with extension pieces, but I prefer to use a big cheater bar as Im scared of damaging the torx heads.
  4. As the title suggests. Heres a pic of what it looks like;
  5. Dave, putting the car in gear will help. I have the tools to get the torx bolts off - let me know and I'll stop by tommorrow and give you a hand.
  6. Is that the place that was/is still a front for the headhunters gang? If its the same place they got raided a few times and a bunch of cars and motorcycles taken under the proceeds of crime act. Edited to add its NOT the same place.
  7. Looks fantastic. How does it feel to drive now you've put all the goodies on?
  8. Personally I like the older amps for sound quality. I use alpine amps from the 80's and 90's too, back when they still made quality. There are even some class A alpine amps around. Focal fronts sounds like a good idea. Personally I would be using a higher quality headdeck with rca outputs. Alot of the quality older stuff can be had second hand for a reasonable price. The only thing I would definitely buy new is speakers.
  9. I use copper grease to eliminate seizing. I use it on the outside of the hub as sometimes the wheel seizes to the hub. Just wire brush it first so the surface is clean.
  10. zero

    Time serts?

  11. zero

    Time serts?

    Another option could be upgrading to the 11mm studs. There is a square tool that bolts to the block that allows for accurate drilling and tapping.
  12. You can also plug the brake hoses with a small bolt - m6 i think. I wouldnt remove the pistons unless you are replacing the seals, especially when you will have to mask the cylinder if you take them out. Pistons are not hard to put back in, but the seals can sometimes be fiddly.
  13. Brake fluid will come out when you remove the calipers. No matter what you do you will need to bleed the brakes if you disconnect the caliper. Another option is to remove the caliper from the rotor, but leave the brake hose connected, and paint them on the car. Just mask up the surrounding areas.
  14. zero

    Gull 98

    How long before the gull 98 coagulates?
  15. Frank, can you list what is still to do on the ute? That might help with value.
  16. Congrats Rae, if it is you getting married. Our wedding car was an e30 and my mate dressed up like a chauffeur and drove us around - it was awesome.
  17. Use a backing plate and lug bolts and it will come out
  18. I would definitely be trying to get wof, rego and cert. Thats way more important for resale price than say, a paint job.
  19. E46 boxes will work, but I'm pretty sure that the diesel boxes are different.
  20. Stupid question, but the handbrake isnt on is it? If the brake rotors are at the end of their life you could always smash it off with a hammer and replace.
  21. Will fitting small spacers fix your tyre rub problem?
  22. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    Thanks for that Dave. Yea, its definitely a mess, and this current government never really thinks things through or plans things properly (ie kiwibuild)
  23. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    What happens to orders under $400? Will they have gst added to them?
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