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Found 119 results

  1. Gold wheels are definitely polarising, nice interior though. I wonder if the manual conversion has been certed. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/530i/listing/5220384911
  2. Stuff laying about - take it off my hands E46 coupe rear wing - brand new, with fitting kit. E46 HiFi amp for sedan Cd stacker cartridge E series Bluetooth module, voice control. (ULF & SES) gen12, build 2007 With harness adaptor for e39. E46 PDC module nav unit mount bracket $500 for the lot or offers for individual items
  3. I recently purchased @Aphexic's E39 540i. Overall it's in pretty good condition, with a tonne of service history dating back to 2009. This thing has had some money spent on it over the years. The car has just ticked over 200,000 km's. Here's some photos of it in it's new home. Things I'm intending to do as time and money allows: OEM Msport style 66 wheels (hurry up and post them @oldskool ? ) New tires: Potenza RE003 235/45/R17 Front and RE050A 255/40/R17 on the rear. Bulbs: Angel eye bulbs and H7 low beam bulbs Thermostat and coolant. Has had cooling system overhaul at 180,000 but thermostat seems to be all over the shop. Chain guides and timing chain + waterpump. Thrust arm bushings - has a strong vibration around 90+ km/h MAF - randomly when stopping at an intersection or lights it stalls and today it was hunting like it had a vacuume leak but then later on it idles perfectly. Tow bar Drivers door seal new water jet hoses
  4. hunter

    Project E39

    As requested by some of you a stand alone projectthread for my E39 530i - this will stop me spamming the WDYDTYC thread lol Backstory - April 2019 I decided to look fo an E39, 530i to replace my mint E46 320i, the E46 had served me very well for 9 years, i had modded it to the end of my wishlist and after a BME Club trip to Tokaanu with a 3 year and 5week old, my theory about needing a bigger sedan with the arrival of Bodhi, was proven correct. upon my return home - the search began. After looking at a few as "do ups" i decided as mint as i could get for 7k ish was the way to go. I wont go too deep into the unicorn i let go the previous year, as it still burns me - and was recently sold again - a mint individual grey 530i, nz New, with color matched interior stitiching. After some further searching and a well timed post on the BMW Car Club NZ Facebook page a local example was coming up for sale, a couple of views, a test drive and it was mine. it was mint enough for the 6k price tag including a full service history, with a few things needed doing to fit my desire for a "Project " Since picking the car up in April i have done (all in the WDYDTYC thread) some optional other maintenance / replacement of worn parts - brakes rotors and pads -recon ABS pump & booster - GROM Bluetooth adapter - refurbished parcel shelf and installed child seat anchors -new rear suspension links, top hats, spring pads etc to even the rise height out -panel beating to the drivers side frot shock tower (under bonnet) to straighten it out -new "Pork chops" to replace smashed ones incl dnew hardwas for the centre undertray also ( this cobined with other wrok makes me think the car was nose dived at some stage or repeately abused leaving an angled driveway - new arm rest inserts and handle - Bavsound speaker upgrade (awesome) - tinted windows -Replaced front and rear windows gaskets - made hard in the front by a misalinged windscreen and lots of glue used by whomeeer did that job - spark plug change -gear box flush - oil change and all filters, cabin etc... - new camshaft intake angle sensor - 2nd hand mint drivers side auto dimm mirror - paint correction at Auto Niche, Hamilton - claybar and degrease wheels - replaced center caps in wheels Future works - 2003 sterring wheel with multifunction and paddle shift ( in the garage just need ot sort install) - refurb the style 42s - new passenager mirror or great 2nd hand one - fix rip in drivers seat side bolster ( on the look out for material from good condition m psort rear seat) - new windscreen cowel - newA pillar trims (middle clipswere borken whe nwindscreen replaced, i beleive) Any further updates will be sposted here in due corse Cheers the old E46 The new to me E39
  5. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-5011566736.htm $59,990 seems a bit steep to me considering the rather tired looking interior. Appears to have all of the usual 25 year old BMW wear and tear items, including the sagging headliner, split door seal, worn steering wheel and gear knob. Dayton tyres on a special car like this are always sign of how its been taken care of. Would be a lovely car if given the TLC it deserves, especially as its the best colour, Oxford Green 🤤 Does anyone have any history on this car?
  6. Pulled the 540i out of the garage for its WOF (passed @ VTNZ) check a couple of weeks back and noticed a few drops of oil on the ground under the engine bay. As the M62's are notorious for valve cover oil leaks, I thought Id start there, and sure enough, good leak from right hand side. Ordered a new gasket set and began work on replacing this over the weekend. Once I had got everything out of the way (and there is a lot of everything to get out of the way) it was obvious where the issue was. Someone had been there before me and instead of replacing the gaskets, they had emptied a tube of gasket maker onto the old gasket and hoped for the best.🤯 Anyway, now that I have identified the issue and have have the new gaskets to sort it, I thought I might as well give the valve covers a clean up and repaint while I have them off. Has anyone had any experience with soda blasting magnesium valve covers, or am I better to use a paint stripper on them? Also, painting vs powder coating? They are in reasonable condition, certainly better than some I have seen. Cheers.
  7. Hi All, I hope all is well. Just looking for some e39 parts to spruce up my 2000 528i e39 factory manual car. Any one have the parts below for sale? - Body kit - exhaust - headers - turbo kit - BBS centre caps - miscellaneous items Please note, I am just putting my feelers out, seeing what is out there. However, I would like the bolded items first. Feel free to let me know if you have any thing that would be of assistance, I look forward to hearing from you, cheers
  8. Hi all, Here’s my Topaz blue 2002 E39 540i M Sport. Picked this up from @hqstu three months ago and have since completed over 6,000km. The condition of this vehicle is a testament to extensive work completed by HQSTU previously documented on his e38/39 Central DHB post. Certainly surprises people when you tell them it now has over 296,000km on clock. With all the big jobs already completed by HQSTU very little work has been required. Replaced number 8 coil with genuine BMW coil but after another coil failed the following month I decided to replace the remaining 7 original coils with new matching Bosch coils, this time from FCP. Replaced the rain light sensor (RLS) to restore function of the auto wipers, $32 from Pick a Part. A few other things to sort. There’s always something to fix on a 20 year old BMW.
  9. Dogballs


    Good condition style32 staggered set. Minor scratches, minor corrosion - very good set for refurb if you wanted.. will go on trademe if nobody wants them here.. 18x8 et20 18x9 et24 (tyres are buggered) $500
  10. Collected this today.. was advertised on here with a failing transmission. 2000 540i pre facelift motorsport, ex Japan. Drove it 25km home from Cambridge. Transmission gave me no trouble at all, although I was gently cruising... Generally a well looked after car with plenty of maintenance including chain guides and all the usual suspects. There are a few things going on with it however, and I'll document its progress here as we go...
  11. Hi all. Drain port in the ecu box got clogged and didn't drain water that got in to the bay sadly.. Had this car for a long time and really want to keep my e38 going. looking for these parts. I understand there are parts similar part numbers for to the E38 and E39 ECU modules but the ECU programmer told me it needs to be from an e38 as the e39 ecu is not programming well. The connectors should be fine from an e39 though I assume. Engine ECU Transmission module Engine ECU connector Transmission module Connector Fuse connectors for wiper. Others if available. Any of these please. In Auckland. Thanks in advance!
  12. I have a modified TV module with a digital tuner card installed for sale. see: Webpage. Plug and play, no changes required. Just swap out your obsolete module and get TV again.. $150
  13. Just sold for a bit more than I was prepared to pay, $50 actually :), but sets a good market benchmark for something of this quality. Relatively low KM with very good history, NZ new, Le Mans Blue Individual. 2002 BMW 540i M-Sport | Trade Me Motors
  14. After a period as an in-patient to the "e39 rescue" hospital, this 217k NZ new Oxford Green II 525i Msport is now ready for its next lucky owner not to have to do what I have... The parts list is long, the hours are unrecorded, and anyone interested should contact me via private message here.
  15. Hi All, Here's my newly aquired e39. I had a 98 540i many years ago but a Corolla sent that to it's grave in Easter 2014. Since then I've only owned another commodore which was then sold when company cars came along. I've been passively looking for a weekend toy for a while and this one came up in Christchurch, originally the seller was asking $3800 but with no wof or reg and a list of things required. I initally gave it a miss but it came back up with most of the work completed so I gave it a second chance. In the end I purchased it with no wof on Thursday and, one ballast replacement later, it passed it's first wof since April 2018 this morning. 205k's on the clock. The Good: Drives quiet and smooth. Interior is in reasonable shape. Exterior is straight and only minor scratches. Full service history up to 2016. Trans rebuilt at 152k. Minimal oil leaks, the power steering reservoir is the main culprit I think. The Bad: Bonnet and roof were recently resprayed. Kinda looks like they did it in a corn field during harvest... Unknown service history from 2016-present (except what previous did to it which included manifold gaskets, PCV, couple of suspension pieces and steering arm.) Car had sat for at least a year. Exact details on the last couple of years are a little vague. Plenty of small trim items to repair/replace. ABS light comes on occasionally. Brakes are a little spongey so hoping a full fluid replacement solves this. Passenger's side cabin air duct is broken at the filter housing so it's sucking from engine bay. Timing chain guides haven't been touched (tensioner has been replaced though). I've got a few things on the way from FCP including a maintenance kit. The oil was last changed at 178k (that I know of) and I'm not sure if it's been touched before or after it sat. Will do a full service excluding trans. To Do List (in no particular order? Full service including brake bleed/ Replace cabin air duct. Fix power steering leak. White "angel eyes" (low beams are already 6000k). Fix seat twist problems (driver and passenger!). Fit new windscreen seal. Replace stereo unit with aftermarket. Most likely a Chinese Dinan knock off. Remove car phone and replace with something that provides storage. M5 Grill Get sun visor lights working Dye parcel tray back to black Get decent radio reception back Respray bonnet and bumper Fix ABS trifecta I'll get some better pics once I've given it a proper clean up. A couple of the pics attached are the seller's from FB. Cheers! Sam My old 1998 e39 540i. Had done around 155kms at time of death.
  16. Hi Everyone, I recently became a member with this beauty of a 2000 528i e39 (factory manual). Drove her up over the weekend from Christ Church to Auckland what an experience. Let's just say fun, but also some temper tantrums along the way. However, I wouldn't have it any other way. I am just wondering if any one was scrapping similar projects, had old parts they wanted to get rid of, or sell etc... I am not looking to build a race car but just improve her a little bit e.g. strut bar, exhaust (something low key), improve the suspension, improve the gear stick and some of the parts, headlights and potentially a body kit(still hesitant on this one). I know Rome wasn't built in a day and it will be a process but any help and advice I would appreciate. I have been doing my research but so much options and most of the 528i post in this forums are kind of old seems like they are forgotten about or every one go straight to the big brother the 540i. I look forward to hearing from you soon Cheers
  17. Hello there I'm new to the 5 series always had 3 series, so I'm looking for a set of style 32s 17" but they are for a e36 so a major problem right there and the centre bore in a e39 is 74.1 and offset is 20 but the e36 centre bore is 72.5 and offset is 25, is there a way that a spacer or something that could correct the difference
  18. I have a 1996 E39 523i, the battery keeps draining and I'm not sure why. It has a new alternator and a new battery, when the car is running the old battery was reading 14V so that rules out the battery and the alternator. It was fine for the last few weeks but now it drains very fast, last night it was fully charged then today I drove it to school then to work and then home which are all only 5 minute drives from each other, when I pulled into my driveway and parked everything started dieing including the dash lights turning off and the engine trying to stall but then the engine kicked up revs to keep running with the alternator. When it has died and I try to use any power there is a clicking sound from behind the dash, I'm not sure if this is normal or not. It was already doing it with the old battery which was 6 years old so I got a new battery yesterday and it is still doing it but now the battery dash light is also on which it wasn't with the old battery, I may be able to run it on a diagnostic tool tomorrow. Any thoughts/help on what it could be would be much appreciated *SOLVED* Turns out my new alternator had a faulty regulator but it is all fixed now
  19. **BMW E39 M62B35 V8 Engine & Trans** $1200ono cash offers only please. Located: Napier, prefer pickup Displacement: 3,498 cc (213 cu in) Power: 173 kW (235 PS) @ 5700 Torque: 320 N·m (236 lb·ft) @ 3300 Redline: 6200RPM Brought for an E36 V8 conversion although plans have changed, excellent condition engine, low kms, tonnes of potential. Aluminium Head/Block so very lightweight. - 127,000Kms (Quote previous owner, could check DME?) - Comes with all ancillaries - Injectors - Fuel Rail - Coilpack - Headers - Automatic Transmission - DME and Gearbox Control Unit This is a complete engine ready to go in your car, all running gear included. Priced to sell, if you are seriously interested feel free to contact me here or via TradeMe @ http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1128553095 Sorry for the potato quality pictures
  20. Anyone know if standard height springs from a 6 cylinder E39 will fit a V8?
  21. 176,000 kms. If there was one thing that my E39 530i taught me it was that one E39 is not enough. I loved that car. It rode beautifully, was uber comfortable and had a silky smooth straight six. But it was these exact things that I disliked about it too. It was too comfortable, too relaxed and too quiet. It rolled around corners, the standard seats had little support and I quickly grew used to the 230BHP/220 lb.ft power figures. Then a 540i came into the picture. NZ new, facelift, fully original, great spec and genuine motorsport. While not in my favourite colour for the E39, and not without issues, the spec and price won me over. So, here it is:
  22. Picked up this e39 a wee while ago. Has a bunch of ac kit on it, had the timing chain done, and is manual. Only known negative at the time of buying was that the sunroof might leak a little and the diff is starting to get noisy. Got about 8 months of enjoyment out of it. Then the brakes started getting very spongy. Got that repaired- it was the abs. Unfortunately the abs doesn't work, it now has a solid pedal though. I was also told they couldn't scan the car and they believe some wires have been snipped behind the dash. Had a few others try scan it (thanks everyone) but nobody had any luck. The car was parked up for some time after that, during that time the sunroof leaked into the drivers footwell. My current list of problems is as follows: -replace windscreen trim seal (have a new one just need to install) -passenger brake light stays on -passenger tail light wiring suspect -not scanning -airbag light not coming on -coolant temp not correct on gauge -abs light not working -abs not working -diff noisey -front bumper grill drivers side broken -lumbar support drivers-motor goes but no movement -clunk in front suspension - possibly the garbage power flex bushes I installed -oil change -surface rust from water leak -washer fluid bottle leaks -needs a clean Ultimately I'm looking to sell the car (too many cars). If someone wants to take on that list of problems I'd let it go for 8k. Otherwise I'll slowly fix it up and try and sell it for a considerable amount more.
  23. I have what can best be described as a clicking coming from my drivers front wheel well area. It has been getting louder in the last few weeks. it presents itself when moving off from a stand still or turning the wheels (in either direction) at a stand still or moving slow. And I’m sure I might be able to hear it when driving with the window down. But not sure. I thought it might be cured whe I replaced the rack ends, but no. Could it be wheel bearing or possibly sway bar links. I can’t seen anything obvious. Any ideas guys? @hqstu or @BreakMyWindow in your vast experience have you guys heard such a noise.
  24. Picked up a project for cheap that i’ll be building in to a hopefully reliable and presentable daily driver. 2001 Jap Import 530i Touring with 279,000kms What was really appealing is that it’s been fitted with a gen M5 front bumper but the factory xenons have been replaced with halogen headlights. That’s going to be sorted soon. It’s in pretty average condition but the paint and body panels are good which makes this an ideal project for me. The engine is a beaut too. The list of to do’s go something like... -Front Suspension o’haul including msport shocks and 25mm lowering springs -18 Staggered wheels -a slight drop in the rear (factory self leveling suspension) -Fit a business rds radio to get nz stations and fit a bluetooth adapter that integrates with the factory setup -Replace the povo interior with Leather seats and door cards, fit the technical graphite/cubic finisher strips -Fit the correct Msport parts behind and under the front bumper -Cooling system overhaul, fuel filter, mictofilters. Give the paint a polish and wax and a heap of misc bits n pieces to bring it back to its glory.
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