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Everything posted by topnotchrally

  1. No sure where the seller got the idea it has M-sport suspension. The VIN decode doesn't show it.
  2. Other than the carpet on the dash (?!?!) it looks a tidy and well optioned car. Has cruise control, electric seats and best of all, fold down rear seats. And, it's MANUAL. I should hope he can get $6k for it. It's a bargoon at $4k.
  3. Manual? 4 speed or 5 speed?
  4. 343,000 kms? Factory sunroof?
  5. My M5 has 205000kms. Would these be a good replacement for the presumably tired ones on the car?

    1. BreakMyWindow


      Definitely. The stock bushings are fluid filled and leak, you know they’re toast if the steering wheel shimmy happens under braking or around 80-90km/h. The X5 bushes sharpen the steering response too.

    2. topnotchrally


      I don't have shimmy but I don't find the steering to be particularly sharp.  In that case I will buy them.  Where are you located?  I

  6. Ugggg. I agree... and the little M stickers on the door handles... not my taste. Or do we call this 'personalization'?
  7. Lol, interesting. It's dropped $2000 in value in a year. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/listing/3346079202 Nice story about the 'old man', seem a bit of a tale since it was sold less than a year ago (see above). Doesn't look like any of the interior has changed.
  8. 'been'? Still have it, just returned from a lovely afternoon out... it's bloody great! (LSD is a must have). (I see my statement may have been confusing, I meant that I couldn't get that price IF I was going to sell it, which I am NOT!) 🙂
  9. As you haven't stated... can we assume it is automatic transmission?
  10. It's looks to be in great condition and a nice colour combo but... priced for perhaps 2027, or later... I'd saw half the price is right for today. What could they be thinking? I couldn't get that price for my mint 2.8 manual Z3 in green/tan with lower kms. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/listing/3765528153 Other stupid things in the ad. "BMW Z3 1.9 Roadster M in Manual" It looks like this was ordered with an M steering wheel and shift knob but it ends there. No M suspension and most importantly, no LSD. "Featured include - Headlights, Electric Front Seats, Auto Wipers, Remote Central Locking." Nice, it has headlights! "This little rocket" It's a 1.9.. it's fun but it's not a rocket! Also, it may have had a dodgy respray as orange peel is visible in the picture of the RR corner. Kudos for the original radio! (I loath aftermarket radios)
  11. Interesting to see what it goes for? The last one sold for $16k in similar condition but with only 100k kms on it. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/listing/3755234023 (Mine looks 'well used' and with 280k kms, what could I get for it? Hmmm)
  12. I've been looking for something to 'waste' my Airpoints on, this is it! Thanks for the tip.
  13. Yep, ok, thanks, but I would call that a 'euro' boot lid, no? Only because it's not made for NZ, it's made for Europe. It happens to suit NZ.
  14. I'll bite.... what is an NZ bootlid?
  15. Wow. The harsh reality of automotive 'collecting'. You think you're buying a low mileage masterpiece but really it's a rebuilt wreck. Is there any way to verify this beyond hearsay? Any pubic document of import and/or compliance records? Shouldn't a dealer have to declare the a car has been 'written off' in the past if they are selling it?
  16. You are correct. My mistake. So, here's how I see the story going... It was imported from Japan in 2009 and failed compliance. It's a good guess it was in a bad accident in Japan and poorly repaired, hence the failure. Then parted out and reassembled. I think I'll call the seller and ask if it has original paint, be interested to hear their answer. 😂
  17. Holly S**T!!!! IS this for real? So this car has been all to bits for non-compliance and re-assembled and this is not mentioned at all in the ad? What bullsh*t The last time this car was for sale (still for sale?) a year or so ago, I had a look at carjam and observed that it had only done 1000 kms in the last 10 years. This concerned me due to degradation from non-use so I called the seller and ask if they could explain why this was. I was told 'it was owned by a collector' Now the truth comes out. So, at some point 12 years ago this car was 'parted out'... then reassembled... and is now worth $100k. Interesting.
  18. That is interesting. How do you come by this information? (the sale price). Is the premium on top of this price?
  19. And be sure to ask 40-50% more than the going price for your car.
  20. It's a pretty cool concept, I'm kind of interested, but the V8 is not what I would choose and so much work has already been done to fit it. I don't understand the obsession with V8s. It's needs a 3l I6 with a manual transmission IMHO. I'm sure many won't agree.🤣
  21. It's back! But at a premium and without the Type 66 wheels 😕 This was an auction last time and with a few minutes left is was $2500.. so I auto bid $6800. After much late bidding, it sold for $6900, presumably to this guy. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/523i/listing/3684978760 I agree with him about the radio, simple is good, but not the manual climate control, and no cruise control 😞
  22. Great colour! But otherwise... ugh.. automatic and carbs... no thanks.
  23. I hope it’s the same car. One E39 with that hideous boot spoiler is already one too many.
  24. I think you're reading way to much into this...I think.. he just means the car was ordered without a sunroof, so it doesn't have one... which is IMHO unusual for an M3.
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