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Everything posted by str8_6

  1. Great video. Poor synchros. Tend to agree with the e90 comments although the M5 has nice low down torque.
  2. At least it’s not a 320i
  3. Mine is completely stock without a tune and it pops and bangs. Do the e92’s have a different exhaust than the 90’s/91’s?
  4. Just replace the resistor. It’s pretty easy to do, you just need to be flexible!
  5. Try removing the fan resistor for the HVAC unit and see if that makes a difference to the car holding charge. Had similar parasitic drains on two e39’s. The third E39 was simply needing a new battery.
  6. Big shout out to @promo for recoding my e92. Bought a factory head unit with Bluetooth a few years back however voice commands and other various functions weren’t quite right after installing. I’m no longer shouted at in Dutch when I hit the voice command button and the sound from the stereo is much better! Also nice that the Bluetooth volume isn’t at max anymore! Tempted to have a remap which he can also arrange.
  7. Had same codes on two different N52 3.0’s. Replaced vanos solenoids on both engines, problem gone. Easy DIY note - inter web searches will suggest cleaning them. That never worked in both cases so replacement was the road I took.
  8. Yikes. Maybe I got the Herbie version?
  9. 335i. Best daily I’ve ever had. Nice long wheel base when cruising (not as choppy as a 135i). Amazing fuel economy (for the performance). Looks great (imho).
  10. Colour is subjective though. It’s like the next person saying @BM WORLD‘s car looks like every other grey import e90 320i and red is much better looking. But yes, you’re probably right. Everyone is precious and 90% of these threads should probably be dead.
  11. Yeah, but the OP’s question was about the vehicles history and not colour preferences.
  12. My 335i coupe doesn’t clunk or rattle over anything. Only annoying noise is the buzz from the centre console sometimes on the coarse chip roads. Otherwise, very compliant and quiet, even on msport suspension and low profile tires. Also highly recommend Jon at Auto38. If you have to take your car somewhere for diagnostic work and you don’t have space or time, he is the guy! A lot of other places will simply throw parts to try and remediate. Jon will walk you through what’s wrong and what is likely to go wrong in the future if he sees other issues.
  13. It’s a shame an alarm system is an optional extra. Also... no 340i option ?
  14. Base price just went up $900 with automatic tailgate now standard ?
  15. I don’t know if auto lowers desirability. It was a slightly different target market. I do miss my old M325i tech 1. That thing has to be my all time favorite BMW. Shame about the rust.
  16. What should one expect to be paid for a cabrio? Asking for a friend of course...
  17. For a day to day commuter Pete, you’ll love it. Saw it in the workshop. Very cool colour and beaut condition. You’ll probably think the fuel gauge is stuck compared to the other two.
  18. Have the PS4 on the M5. Couldn’t get the PS4S in that size. Might be different now. They’re excellent. Great price too
  19. Don't think the other half would be seen dead in a Swift. Normally takes the M5 damn it.
  20. Stop start in an M5, be glad it’s not working. A decent battery charger that can charge different battery types (AGM/Calcium/Lead) should be able to keep it topped up.
  21. Make sure the side vent windows are closing tightly (they can be adjusted). Mine leaked and used to soak the seatbelt and carpet. Also clear sunroof drains. Not sure if the vapor barriers cause leaking in this model but that could be another cause.
  22. It’s because the E39 M5 is just so much better (totally my opinion of course ?... is there a stirring emoji?) That V10 is glorious though.
  23. And fuel... lots of fuel.
  24. Hence why it’s at the cheaper end of the market. The fact is, if you buy one of these at some point you’re going to have to do some of these maintenance items regardless of previous history.
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