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KwS last won the day on March 20

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About KwS

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 02/01/1988

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  1. lol, i love the sport alcantara interior on the E39. If i got another it would have to either have it already, or i'd swap it in. So much nicer than leather.
  2. Oh man, hard disagree there. Old man green with a tan interior (caramel would be better though) is a great combo on the E39. The wheels can get in the bin though, they belong on a commy.
  3. Yeah i reached out to sulco for a quote a while back and remember they werent cheap for two bent bits of steel (compared to the USD MSRP anyway). I just zip tied the casters on, they've held fine so far.
  4. Yeah i really should get around to ordering some of those. Did you get them through Sulco?
  5. Cool story, but it's also technically not legal either 🤷‍♂️ Even if you pass a WOF, you could fall foul of your insurer if something goes wrong.
  6. Keep in mind that the moment you change the brake pedal to a manual one, you will trigger the threshold for needing a cert. It's probably the worst thing about converting cars to manual these days, since it'll lock you into the state the car is in when it goes for a cert, and you cannot change anything about it unless you cert it again.
  7. They aren't vaders, just m rain E36 sport seats (possibly from a TI). Either way, still don't really suit it.
  8. $31,000. How long until we see it given a clean and flipped for $40k+?
  9. Just showing how cool it is
  10. I've had wheels sent to me before via normal couriers, sent individually and I can't remember how much it was but it was very reasonable at the time. They were 16s though, 19s are a fair bit bigger.
  11. KwS


    I think those wheels are some of the worst i've seen on an E39 recently. Eww. I feel like it'll be a hard sell for anyone wanting an M5. Its not numbers matching original, and a pieced together bitsa of dubious origin. The colour combo is one of the best offered, but the standard bumpers really let the whole look down.
  12. If you bought it privately and didn't inspect it first, you'll need to suck it up and fix the issues and move on. If you got it from a dealer, you could try having them fix it. You'll be hard pressed to just "get my money back". Regarding the issues, E61 wagons are known for sunroof issues, do some research and you should be able to find how to manually close it and then never touch it again as IIRC there is a piece in them that breaks and is a pain to fix. Lots of them leak (I think both of the ones i looked at buying were leaking, and one had mouldy carpet). Tailgate struts can be replaced, do some research on that too. I hate to point it out, but you should also look into N62 V8 engine issues too. If it doesn't have valve stem seal issues now, it will at some point. They're a very nice car when they're in good shape and working well. If you like it, its worth fixing it and enjoying it.
  13. Rear bumper is missing its lower valance, makes the "custom exhaust" look even weirder Thats the same car in those photos too I'd buy that for $20k in a heartbeat, but no way is it worth $35k in that state. Poor thing.
  14. KwS

    The Barbara Chronicles

    Love the look of your wagon. So good I also appreciate the effort you went to to both make the headers work, and document the shambles they are out of the box
  15. Probably looked at it and mistook the shitty body lines to be accident damage related...
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