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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    How petrol pumps slow their filling cycle even on non prepay. When people tell you not to use your cell on the forecourt. People who ride their clutch at the lights.
  2. 3 points
    Its hard to imagine just how fast they are when we go through at what feels like maximum attack and they do the same 20km of road 90seconds faster. We are fast though, even your average Kiwi car is 2seconds a kilometre faster than the cars 10years ago. Doesn't sound like a lot but over a few days thats huge. Cant wait!! First two stages are in the dark tomorrow night, we have 12 brand new tyres for the event and a new engine and ECU, hard to think you can drop $20,000 prepping for one event. In the words of a legend. "If in doubt, flat out"
  3. 2 points
    The fact this M3 isn't based on a 318 makes it quite rare and valuable, it could even be a world first
  4. 2 points
    Be curious to see what the bearing/bush is like when it's out. Yanks ain't necessarily the best lateral thinkers....
  5. 2 points
    Oh dear. It looked so much better before they started.
  6. 2 points
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd to this people that get $5.00 petrol then spend 15min waiting for their coffee froffing milk Latta, wankers.
  7. 2 points
    people that press/stick their finger in the wraped meet packages at the super market. WTF.
  8. 2 points
    this is especially annoying if you are trying to turn left and would totally get through if the said car actually stopped properly not leave a huge gap! then you beep the horn and they give you a death stare as you drive past as if you disturbed them in some way. idiots. i also hate people who stop on the left most lane in which you can go straight and turn left but the signal is red for straight but green for left. and they wana go straight so they've stopped at the start of the queue (presumably so they can drag race the person on the going straight lane or just get a head start) thus blocking like 10 cars trying to turn left even when the light is green.
  9. 2 points
    Why isn't there some kind of special test you have to pass before you're allowed to drive a car? Our (rural) road is closed at one end for slip repairs. My wife and I, with two boys walking and one in the backpack on my back, went for a walk to see how it was going. On the return trip, we met a man on a horse (A GIANT horse too!) and we heard a car coming, so stepped off the side of the road and waited. Mrs Peoplemoverdriver comes around the corner, sees us all, doesn't slow down, but moved across the centre line on a blind corner to give us space (nice?), but CONTINUED texting the entire time! It's the SAME dumbass that only months ago tried a 3 point turn between two blind corners in a 100 zone, where there is a NO U-TURN sign, on the site where someone died doing just that! Luckily she had her ghey stick on LED daytime running lights on, so she was completely visible and invincible. Surely there must be a certain % of the population who are clearly too stupid to drive, who should be failing driving tests and never be allowed a license? I can start a list right now!
  10. 2 points
    Actually don't disagree with anything you've said. I am confident you're more evolved than many of the neanderthals that we let behind the wheel (and behind the handlebars of a bicycle), and don't set out to injure people when you're driving. My fear (and something I have seen first hand), is that that negative attitude, among the lesser evolved, can manifest itself in driving habits that are overtly aggressive and dangerous. I understand the frustrations of motorists when dealing with annoying cyclists, and I understand the frustrations of cyclists when dealing with annoying motorists. But when some lunatic in a lowered ute decides to drive his car through a bunch of cyclists, it is real people, getting really hurt. Its not a funny "just drive them off the road, haha!" kind of them-and-us, jokey attitude anymore. I'm sure its the same people that drive dangerously and overtake on blind corners. It just seems a little more real when you don't have two tonnes of metal around you. Its the reason I worry whenever a family member is out for a Sunday ride.
  11. 2 points
    Oh, and f**ktards that stop about 20m away from the car in front at traffic lights, usually because they are in such a hurry to stop and see if anyone has liked their recent twatter post. No wonder there are so many traffic jams in auckland, you only need 5 cars for a one mile tailback with those gaps.
  12. 2 points
    ^^ dressed in that get-up you are probably given a wide berth because you look like you have escaped from the local nut-house
  13. 1 point
    Yeesh, that black on the bonnet is hideous. Im concerned about the amount of bog on the arches, sort of how my old cortina was held together....
  14. 1 point
    haha wonder how many of us can agree with this!
  15. 1 point
    Thier use: No way a Ranger would haul 6500kg, especially with the same pace etc. make a lot more sence than a camper van, and can be used for more than just one activity, and a bigger home. Also Mobile offices and work stations. Medium size diggers etc. None of which you would tow with any current pickup, you would need an Atlas, Elf or Canter. do you call those oversize and obnoxious when they are the same thing, one just with 4 seats and an american badge on the front, i think not. I highly doubt anyone here would by one to replace the Prado etc as a pasenger only vehicle. this
  16. 1 point
    In an ideal world, every pump would have a percolated coffee nozzle. Can just see it. Diesel. 91. 98. Black Coffee.
  17. 1 point
    And then creap forward half a meter at a time untill the lights turn green
  18. 1 point
    thats not me but i know who it is and i have a friend who works for this other kyu person. edit: i still love my bmws haha, really need to get back into one soon otherwise i might get booted off the forum! (have owned nearly 10 diff bmw's in the past) let me know if u ever need to get in touch with them they are good people and have well priced cars. wait for tom/m3power to chime in with regards to SMG the general consensus is manual is best by those who have manual but those who own smg's love it too. you will undoubtably be happy with either or. i wouldnt let that be a deciding factor as to whether or not i purchase an e46 m3.
  19. 1 point
    I like Matt Farrah. I also like the 1M shape better than e92. This answers the 'what if it had the v8' question well.
  20. 1 point
    Your Dad will be one of those people who manages to go downhill. Everywhere.
  21. 1 point
    True. Closed streets are all good. Just don't go using it to run to the shops or in touring. I will add hydraulic handbrakes to my list of things that are choice bro. Spot apex, turn in, lift hand brake, floor it. Smile. Now if only I hadn't lost all my in-car footage from the last event. Thanks MACBOOK.
  22. 1 point
    If u think the e46 s54 is a v6 u need to get off this forum. Lol im just kidding. for daily and track i think e46 is the wiser option. Especially with the prices dropping and abundance of parts and upgrades
  23. 1 point
    Nothing wrong with using anti-lag on this street though :
  24. 1 point
    You are not supposed to use anti lag on the street. Keeps the turbo rebuilders in business though!
  25. 1 point
    What a monster definitely solid bang for buck
  26. 1 point
    Birthday cards, presents, wishes, pay rise and a bonus... all on the same day. Choice bro.
  27. 1 point
    Don't get me started on that. haha. I have many stories of f**k ups, trials and tribulations, the last one was the biggest, ramming anther car mid corner mid stage at speed.. Good times. Anyway, wearing the right under wear is a good idea too.. nothing like full opposite lock at massive speeds to loosen breakfast. I have to hand it to anyone who co-drives, you need big balls.
  28. 1 point
    I have bib shorts... stops the chaffing... but hide them with rugby shorts over the top, t shirt and maybe a polar vest if it's cold, sports sandals, a hi-vis vest a helmet with a camera... ... and look like someone to be given a wide berth, because I'm clearly not clever enough to be allowed a car licence.
  29. 1 point
    This is where my motorway bulldozer idea comes into play. Stopped for more than 5 mins an motorway bulldozer sorts you out good and proper.
  30. 1 point
    Winter. I can gain 5kg, grow a beard and wear the same thing 6 days a week, black Levi's and a black jumper, just swap out tee shirt and briefs. Rally Whangarei this weekend, come say hi, I am in the Manukau Auto Centre red 1995 STI RA, unless I get a seat in Ken Blocks car. Here he is, testing yesterday. Rally is the sh*t.
  31. 1 point
    I must ask then, do the spandex bandits not understand this fact? If they did, surely that would stop trying to be a statistic. Im of the opinion that anyone wearing spandex can GTFO as the ratio of a**hole:good cyclist when it comes to spandex is 100:0, whilst the ratio for cyclists that arent wearing spandex is about 30:70.
  32. 1 point
    I just assumed that was to overcome the additional weight of the HUGE exhaust, clearly fitted to allow the immense amount of hot gasses created to exit the rear of the vehicle unrestricted. Under the right conditions, those 4 cylinders can rev very high (Accidently selected "N", but spent 15 seconds wondering "why aren't we moving? Is my spoiler caught on something again?) Of course we know its an auto, and sounds like a Datsun Bluebird after the muffler fell off.
  33. 1 point
    Missing the point much.... I have negative attitude to cyclists, but that doesn't mean that I go around trying to knock them off their bikes. Quite the opposite in fact, I give them a wide, wide berth - as they wobble all over the road and I really don't want to deal with their guilt tripping on me. I do ride a bike quite often, and if you're worried about a motorist, try cycling to work along a narrow open road with stock trucks on the way to the sale yards sqeezing past. I'm sure I got licked by the cows on more than one occaision. The BIG difference is that I realize that being on the moral high ground doesn't help in an accident, so I think about when and where I ride (to keep out of the way basically) and ride defensively, not in some kind of angry vigilante attack mode. Only last week I had a wonderful interaction with a cyclist in Napier - wobbling his way down a narrow street with cars parked both sides, and traffic in both directions. No helmet and trying to shield his younger son (also no helmet) from the traffic, causing him to swerve all across the road. Realising what an accident waiting to happen this guy was I made sure I got nowhere near him so that it wouldn't be me that he finally managed to throw himself into. When I came across the same two guys later in town and I suggested he should be setting a better example and wearing his helmet the response was "those rules dont apply, I am my own god"! The words on his T-shirt "I am unstoppable". I really hope he has a DNR notice on him when he is taken into A&E. There needs to be much better education of cyclists (and more emphasis on policing them, rather than making money from speeding fines) any idiot can jump on a bike and pedal off along the road - whether they are a driver and know the road rules or not.
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    This rarity. Countdown Grey Lynn.
  36. 1 point
    Well..he who is without sin can cast the first stone.. Like most cyclists I'm also a motorist. I cycle for fitness on weekends (early in morning before anyone is up) and daily commute to work. I've had car door flung open, busses overtake then stop instantly at a bus stop, busses nearly complete the pass before they pull into a lay-by, bottles thrown and drinks squirted. My kids have been knocked off their bike by opening car doors.. my 13yo son was thrown into the path of an oncoming car.. Yes I see some cyclists running Orange / Red / Ped X- UNACCEPTABLE - just like motorists that run Orange / Red / Ped X, block intersections that they shouldn't have entered in the first place.. We all need to share the road and obey the road rules, else someone gets hurt, likely a motorist on a bike.
  37. 1 point
    imo widebody would ruin it. would be better if it still had the original bbs rs' on it
  38. 1 point
    I learned a few things today: the noise I describe above was definitely coming from the front swaybar end links; and, the car handles like a bus without a front swaybar. Took the front swaybar and end links out as it seemed the easiest way to be definitive about the clunking even though the balljoints appeared in pretty bad shape. It was pretty clear when I dropped the links how shot they were so it no surprise that the noise was gone when I took it for a test drive. It surprised me more that both sides failed at the same time. I do not recommend removing your front swaybar as a handling upgrade... It's woeful around corners and tramlines like crazy. New links should be here next week I hope. Also confirmed with the machine shop that they can cut ventilation groves in my new steering tie rods when they arrive which will be great because I'll have no fitment concerns then.
  39. 1 point
    You can buy nolathane round stock and just machine it to the dimensions you need.
  40. 1 point
    ^ Is that a soarer made to look like an audi? Not sure this is the right category for that thing...
  41. 1 point
    Another oil change. A good run out over the long weekend saw a new 'best' for fuel economy - 700 miles (1120km) on less than 60 litres of fuel. That's very nearly 19km per litre, or a touch over 5 litres per 100km. There's plenty of cars around that can better this, but we're happy.
  42. 1 point
    Extreme DIY. Looking forward to more updates!
  43. 1 point
    lol ... actual lol ... Nah mate the cars not going anywhere.. On a side note, when I met my wife and started dating, she was a little bit disappointed the fact I owned a BMW, she hated them. But then, slowly as the years went on .. she gets in another car brand (pick any) and hates it because they "dont drive like a BMW" Also, her idea of a fast car was a WRX STI or a RX-7 bat. I respectfully patted her on the head. When the e30 was finished took a few of her car hood heros on and munched them. So shes now educated and down with the m3 donk All her family think its quite funny (cool) her daily is a v8 now too. She drove my dads new 2015 volvo the other day, comments ... "lets stick to BMWs"....... My job here is done.
  44. 1 point
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