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Olaf last won the day on December 16 2024

Olaf had the most liked content!

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3376 Excellent

About Olaf

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  • Car
    F25 X3 30D Msport
  • Car 2
    e46 325i Touring
  • Car 3
    e30 316i
  • Race Car Number

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    I had an e30 325i touring back in the day.

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  1. Olaf

    Quick rant thread.

    wow. if you're going make a gram account for your car, print up stickers... surely you'd want to have some decent photos? Jesus wept. https://www.instagram.com/the_s1l3nt_tesla/
  2. Olaf

    Quick rant thread.

    kids of today, not an honest elbow through the glass.
  3. Kenwood KMM-BT408 mechless. It's the updated version of the 305 I have in my e30. Small, clean look, tons of integration with your phone, three sets of pre-outs and all sorts of configs for time delay, eq etc etc. Even configure what the pre-outs are doing. Amber lighting: check. Configure your own preferred shade. Plays your carefully ripped WAV files from USB too. Or just play Spotify from your phone if you favour convenience. Install the included mic, set up bluetooth with your phone - bingo full handsfree. It'll even take a second phone at the same time. I bought one for my e46, not yet installed. If you want steering wheel integration you'll need a babelfish to take the canbus and talk to the Kenwood. https://www.qualitycaraudio.co.nz/kenwood-kmm-bt408-bluetooth-usb-nz-tuners-3x-pre-outs-car-stereo?search=KMM-BT408
  4. Olaf

    The Family Tractor

    I know it's a little extra complexity - sensors, control/switch, compressor, bags... the bags aren't pricey, what about the compressor? Surely it's more sorted than the mighty "reach for the sky!" Disco?
  5. Olaf

    Quick rant thread.

    they might have been seeking your quarter glass, stopped when they realised they'd f@#ked it.
  6. Olaf

    Sad news

    Very sad news, always a worthwhile thread where SSBMW had contributed. Always on the money, particularly knowledgeble.
  7. I've not been fancy enough to have Alcantara, thanks for the pointers👍. Leather's hard to beat for durability! When your kids are young, leather's the best for cleaning out dropped sweets, ice cream, vomit, nappies. When they're older, pie crust (grrrr!)... so much harder to clean out of fabric.
  8. Trycycling improves fuel economy, lowers tyre wear. My picture, Nikon D4s+AF Nikkot 70-200 2.8 FL/E, B+W Kassemann Pol filter.
  9. Bissell carpet cleaner, job done.
  10. question: as the e39 shares so much with e46, is cruise in the e39 simply adding the multifuction wheel, retrofit wiring and 'bingo' like it is in the e46?
  11. Olaf

    The Barbara Chronicles

    adulting is overrated! you can be a grownup without being surrendering everything!
  12. Date: 22 Mar 2025 Distance: 217,700 kms 1. Fresh Rubber on the rear. As described above, two RE003 245/70R17 fitted to the rear. Care taken by my tyre professional, carefully wire brushing the beading surface inside the rim on both edges, to remove rubber buildup and enhance beading seal. New valve stem and valve core. fitted and dynamically balanced. Didn't do an alignment as the wear on the rear tyres is really nicely flat and even. Nothing like the feel of fresh rubber on your car. 2. Wiper Blades front & rear Replaced wiper blades front & rear. Much better. 3. Monitoring Left sitting for nearly a week, wet wet day, it started on 3 or 4 cylinders. Really not happy. Cycled off, restart... up to four. Then a couple more cycles, up to six, with a really faint misfire. I'll scan the codes soon, find out what it's complaiuning about. I'm guessing moisture tracking on dirt somewhere? Needs a bloody good wash. Totally loving the steering wheel, it's so connected. The car steers well, is planted. Need to get on with that stereo build.
  13. Today I ordered some tyres for the rear, as measuring last weekend revealed 2.5mm on one side, 5mm on the other (puncture a while back). My supplier warned me only 13 RE003 in 245/40R17 left, Bridgestone NZ may not re-stock as they're a slow-mover. Bugger. 4mm on the front, still. They'll get fitted thursday. Time to replace the wiper blades as well, they're a bit crusty and hard after summer. A few things have been getting in the way of getting the stereo sorted. Fuel economy has improved since last year's servicing. Still loving it!
  14. heya Cam, how's simply red coming along? Sending some mojo from Welly, man.
  15. Olaf

    The Barbara Chronicles

    That looks superb. Very individual. I’m finding myself in the very unusual position of being envious of your stick 😎
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