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Everything posted by Michael.

  1. Whats with the stupid comments saying it should be a 4 door then it would be worth more. Honestly some people need to shut up and know when not to comment. Regardless if you like these or not this is a pretty cool, rare good value purchase
  2. Ohhhh I see! Gosh, how embarrassing. I just looked up some other photos of M70 heads, didn't realize the circular port is indeed the angled spark plug port with the thread further down inside. I thought it was the original exhaust port and the square one was a new one made. Now I can see it's just nicely CNC'd for improved flow
  3. Wow, awesome! So did that additional exhaust port get CNC'd to give you two exhaust ports for maximum flow? I'm just slightly confused about that, does that mean 12 exhaust ports per side? Haha
  4. Someone should 2JZ swap it!
  5. Hi Wayne, welcome to the forum. Sounds like some impressive cars Post pictures if you can!
  6. Wow I didnt know there were 2 door 1 series hatches. I kinda want one.
  7. Hey! Just after a crappy steering wheel, any style any condition that will suit an e36 spline. Let me know what you might have, not looking to pay a fortune
  8. Kinda gave me the impression of a scam.. but maybe not?
  9. The ride height screams douche bag to me... best to stay away haha. Surely sorting out those white leather seats in sad condition would be a priority over any other modifications!? I guess not...
  10. Supercharger is probably unnecessary IMO. But seems like a nice setup,
  11. Michael.

    M TOY M3

    Saw it while wondering around, looked great. Plate insert at the back was a nice touch.
  12. Nice to see an E38 getting some love!
  13. You could probably get an early model Prius for similar money, would be less trouble although finding a new battery might be costly
  14. That's pretty cool. I quite like the interior trim and style. 340hp and 470nm apparently so would give a 540i motorsport a slight beating. But for 48k you could buy a nice 540i for 40k less and spend a bit on it, so unless you wanted the exclusivity of this model the price doesn't make any sense, especially against 25-40k for a manual M5 that is much faster (and only approx 50 units in NZ)
  15. Awesome place, Allan the service guy did an excellent job, perfect alignment settings, straight steering wheel and drives superbly. Only took about 45 mins No doubt it helped having new bushes and such on the car but they did the job anyone that cares about their car would appreciate.
  16. Hey lads, where have people been getting quality wheel alignment jobs done in the Auckland region in recent times? Particularly from places where service personnel know what they are doing and it isn't just delegated to some lacky... Thanks in advance!
  17. Gorgeous cars. How can they not appreciate!
  18. Car for idiots, that typically can't drive = crashes
  19. Michael.

    M TOY M3

    This car is very reflective of your personality. I approve :p
  20. Hello. Did you get a mechanical warranty with that?
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