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  1. adro

    E46 330i Touring

    E39 out, E46 in. Transported it up from Arrowtown last week, picked it up this week. 211,000km NZ New 2 previous owners. Last owner had it for 12 years/173,000km Known faults were the remote keys don't work and it has a vacuum leak under the intake manifold as diagnosed by an indy shop in Arrowtown. A few bits of service history but nothing significant. Fresh off the trailer: After talking to experts (forum members) I've started what looks to be a bit of a maintenance mission. Started with the PCV. It was dated as 2002 so original and very brittle. The oil return line disintegrated in half as I pulled out the dipstick tube. I left the manifold on in a bid to have a driveable car to pick my daughter up from day care in and in my haste I forgot to plug in a few things. Idle was smooth but it was real jerky and had a big dip in the throttle when you initially got on the gas. Scanned it and it came up with cam position sensor fault. So out came the airbox and it turned out I had forgotten to plug in the cam position sensor, alternator and something else...whoops...anyway, seems to be running alot better now. Revs are constant and it's not throwing misfire or rich codes. Did the classic air filter, cabin filter and oil + filter too. It's pretty oily down here... Pretty dusty up here.. ewwwww New stuff I went with 5W-40 just because I had 1.5L left over from the 540 so figured I might as well use it up. New Roundel. I got a cheap one off trademe last time and it wore really fast so went all in on the dealership one this time. Changed the plates over too. DQZ346 lives on. Things to do: - coolant system overhaul - vanos valve cover gasket oil filter housing gasket - New Disa valve (rebuilt) - Tints & chrome delete around the windows - Motor mounts - Get the remote locking working - Trans oil and filter Things I would like to do: - Tyres - Suspension Eibach prokit, Bilstein B4 shocks front and Sachs m sport rears - Xenons + black corner lights - Bluetooth hands free - Bavsound upgraded speakers Feel free to add to this never ending list ?
  2. This will serve as a diary of my love-hate relationship with this wonderful menace of a machine. HISTORY - Imported from Japan in 2010. - Came into my ownership in February 2021 at 214,XXXkm. ENGINE - M54B30 (161,XXXkm) full rebuild & conversion (January 2023 - 227,488km) - M52-style piston rings - New main & rod bearings - Drilled and safety wired oil pump nut - New timing chains & guides - Oil pump resealed - New crank sprocket - Brand new genuine & OE sensors throughout - New ignition coils & spark plugs - Brand new belts & tensioners - Aluminium water pump & power steering pulleys - New engine mounts - New radiator & associated hoses (May 2021 - 216,6XXkm) - New water pump & thermostat (January 2023 - 227,5XXkm) - New lifters (April 2023 - 228,XXXkm) - New PCV & associated hoses, intake boots (September 2023) - M3 chain tensioner (October 2023) - VANOS rebuild (November 2023) - OFH metal oil non-return valve (March 2024) - Compression tested, 200PSI on all cylinders (March 2024) - New starter (June 2024) TRANSMISSION - 5-speed manual ZF S5D 320Z swap - Brand new detents, shifter pins, reverse sensor - Replaced input shaft seal, selector rod seal, throwout bearing guide tube, brass clutch fork pivot pin - Brand new LUK dual mass flywheel & clutch, new throwout bearing & clutch fork - New clutch master & slave cylinders - New transmission mounts - E60 shift lever & ZHP shift knob - New shifter linkage bushes throughout - BM Speedshop DSSR - Clutch switch, reverse switch wired in and EGS coded out - Removed gas pedal kick-down clicker DRIVETRAIN - New guibo, CSB (January 2023) - Fitted manual 2.93 differential with brand new input & output seals, rust treated & repainted - 330i manual driveshaft given a fresh coat of paint BRAKES - 330i brake retrofit - calipers & carrier brackets vapour blasted, painted & resealed (October 2023) - New OE rubber brake hoses, Akebono ceramic pads, new park brake shoes - New brake booster & master cylinder (May 2024) - Brake fluid flush (May 2024) FRONT AXLE - OE sway bar end links (November 2021 - 221,XXXkm) - 25mm Z4 sway bar - Whiteline strut brace - Bilstein B4 shocks - Eibach springs - E90xi strut mounts - E36 M3 bump stops - OE wheel bearings (October 2023) REAR AXLE - CMP Auto Engineering bottom side reinforcement plates & topside brace bar welded in - Stitch welded trailing arm pockets and wheel arch panels - CMP Auto Engineering solid subframe bushes & monoball trailing arm bushes - OE rubber diff bushes - 330i axles - 19mm Msport sway bar - Eibach adjustable rear camber arms - Bilstein B4 shocks - Stock Msport springs - E36 M3 bump stops - OE wheel bearings (October 2023) STEERING - LF-30 reseal & retrofit - New power steering reservoir and lines - High pressure line rebuilt by Enzed - New Lemforder inner & outer tie rods - CMP Auto Engineering solid steering coupler INTERIOR - Full interior-out deep clean, shampooed carpets, most interior plastic trims replaced with good condition ones, worn soft touch rubberized coatings peeled back to bare plastic & treated - Headliner & pilar trims professionally reupholstered (April 2021 - 216,XXXkm) - Steering wheel wrap and multifunction button retrofit - Android headunit - Leather door cards fitted - Cluster backing plate switched out and recoded from km/L to L/100km - Temperature buffer mod - Replaced dash with a tidy example - Armrest delete, because manual EXTERIOR - Roof rail delete - Shadowline trim professionally repainted (June 2024) OTHER - Rolled rear fenders - Installed towbar - Reverse camera - New fuel pump, seals & lock rings (October 2023) - New AC compressor, condenser, drier, expansion valve (October 2023) - BMW Style 193 rims with Dunlop SP Sport Maxx 050+ (225/40R18 front, 255/35R18 rear) fitted (October 2023) - Fully certified for engine swap, transmission swap and others (January 2024) IN PROGRESS - Full paint correction (cut & polish, paint touchup, protective coating) throughout - Installing door sound deadening, resealing vapour barriers FUTURE PLANS - Towing module retrofit - Heated seat retrofit - Auto lights & wipers / rain-light sensor retrofit - Redo window tints - Refurbish and install X5 leather front seats, E46 leather rear seats
  3. Having owned this wagon nearly eleven years (purchased 28 Mar 2012) and mentioned it several times over the years on this forum, "why not start a showroom thread" I wondered aloud yesterday - so here we are. A potted history I wanted another BMW, having sold my e30 325i Touring back in '01. Needed a replacement for our family car (A32 Maxima) and fancied an e39 Touring e39 eliminated as Mrs Olaf thought them ugly e46 fitted the bill, though in 2012 330i tourings were very rarely sold, and 325i's were generally ~$15-20k from dealers. e91 6 cyl were still over $20k and beyond my budget. This one had dropped from ~$16k to the $12k range. 112k kms, fresh import from Japan, good order, best colour - Orientblau metallic. Got it inspected, flew to Auckland and bought it. Drove it to Wellington, it broke down the next day (fuel gauge issue later sorted with replacement pump). Remedial maintenance sorted by BMW Specialist in Welly. Did an Easter Tour to Auckland and back laden with family and it performed flawlessly We've had lots of fun with it over the years and done a shedload of maintenance on it. Here it is about a fortnight after we bought it, after I'd spent time on full body detail. More later.
  4. Stuff laying about - take it off my hands E46 coupe rear wing - brand new, with fitting kit. E46 HiFi amp for sedan Cd stacker cartridge E series Bluetooth module, voice control. (ULF & SES) gen12, build 2007 With harness adaptor for e39. E46 PDC module nav unit mount bracket $500 for the lot or offers for individual items
  5. Hi there, I’m getting through my 325i m57 swap and i’m trying to work out how to sort out my wiring. My engine came with a full harness. I was thinking of getting somebody to do it but I realise this would be expensive, it’s my first swap and I am pretty good mechanically but wiring definitely isn’t my thing, what would I need to do to get it running?
  6. Giving in to peer pressure @Olaf and @adro and sharing 'the journey'... although nowhere near as hands on as the latter or as fastidious as the former! Car 1 is a 2001 E53 V8 Sport Package in Stahlgrau Car 2 is a 2005 E60 M5 in Silverstone II
  7. Just bought an M57D30 out of a e60 for my wagon and have started work on the engine out of the car but am looking for other routes for mounting the engine. Had a look online at importing arms from a 330d but results are scarce, does anyone have dimensions for the bolt holes for the mounts, or the mounts themselves? Might have a go at some fab work to get it all together if I cant find any.
  8. After being out of the car scene for some time, I've decided to throw my hat back in the ring and create something fun to build and ultimately fun to drive. A user friendly budget would be a bonus but we'll see how that one pans out !! This will just be a fun street car so the aim is to have a mix of comfort, performance and looks. The car: A NZ new 2000 BMW 318Ci with 4 speed auto. Quite tidy generally with only a handful of the expected BMW "things that don't work no more" to resolve at a later date. Being under powered will hopefully mean no cracking around the subframe and minimal hard driving time etc on the body. The engine: A Nissan VQ37VHR from a 2009 Skyline 370GT automatic. 125k on it give or take so hopefully plenty of life left in it. Factory spec at 243kW which should be a solid upgrade over the cars stock 77 !! No plans for anything engine wise at the moment, must get mobile and legal first. Progress so far: The car is sitting with front end off, engine and driveline are out, rear interior and fuel tank etc removed. Have cleaned the underside to a reasonable standard and have welded in the CMP RACP reinforcement kit. Have cleaned and painted the 330 rear end components ready for reinstallation along with installing Powerflex bushes in most locations. Have created a rig to fire up and run the VQ37 on the ground which was a success and a lot of fun ... had the Nissan anti-theft (NATS) removed via UpRev and an ARC license installed at the same time. This was to validate that I can run the motor prior to install and working out the wiring later on when its more difficult. You can check the video here: Next Steps: REALLY keen to get the rear end back together so something is finished !! Will need to complete the welding in of the RACP to frame rails in the boot before the LVV certifier comes to check out my work. Once that's done I can get ready to stitch weld some other trouble areas then underseal and paint it all real pretty before installing the backend. Once the back end is together and looking slick I can finally turn attention to the pointy end and see if the engine is going to play nice. There will be a lot of work involved and a few options to investigate ... current thinking is it will be a custom oil pan and cross member at least. Steering rack may also be an issue. Some Pics To This Point:
  9. Hi everyone, Currently running out of ideas chasing a lighting problem on my wagon. I retrofitted single OEM HID lights a few years back, and have a flickering issue that's gotten progressively worse, often one light flickering at a time but sometimes both. LED halos wired into park lights but disconnected these to confirm no relation. Been through almost all common faults, checked all lights plugs/grounds across the car. Replaced both bulbs, both ballasts and one igniter. Checked wiring in lights that I could see and no common issues like the Bi-Xenon units. Coding has been completed, even swapped LCMs to verify. Supply voltage into LCM is solid, but output voltage drops outside operating range causing the flicker. Continuity checked for shorts to ground on all headlight wires and nothing untoward, disconnected all other lights consecutively while testing - still present. Is there a harness connector/junction between the LCM and lights I can check? I have fault codes for turn signal and main beam short to ground but I can't find an obvious short, also the issue is amplified over bumps suggesting a short or loose connection but I cannot for the life of me find one. I'm even considering finding another set of complete lights to rule the whole units out. Any ideas? Cheers! IMG20240127193156.heic
  10. Hi Team So i'm a new member myself and thought i'd kill two birds with one stone and introduce myself. Names Richard and i'm here to share my journey with my dream car build. Yes you read it right i am going to drop a v12 into the best shape ( my opinion ) bmw ever made. So i had purchased the v12 motor and auto box off trade me late 2015. Have also managed to find a rare 6 speed box that come out of the 850csi bmw that i had to get shipped from Britain. Treated myself to a nice New Zealand new 2000 manual 232i for my birthday earlier this year. Very nice looking with the factory 18inch mags and msport half leather seats and factory spoiler kit too. So here the build begins. over the 3day weekend i disassembled the engine to start cleaning parts for the rebuild. Had already took the heads off and sent to an engineering place to price up getting some custom cams and an ITB set up made. I also have a full new gasket set, head bolts and piston rings that will be replacing all the old stuff, a custom dry sump set up from the states as the oil pan had to be modified to fit the factory cross member. Here are a few picture of the motor in bits. feel free to pass on feed back or any advice team happy to share this build with you guys.
  11. Hi, I will be listing this elsewhere shortly, however I thought I’d put it into the forum first - more photos to come or you can reach me on 02102756544 1990 BMW e30 325i SE / Factory Manual - 82,000 miles - $25,000 - Imported form the UK in 1995 In my 4 years of ownerships it has had all servicing work done by Apex Auto - injectors, fuel pump, brakes all round, cambelt, etc I would consider swaps/trades for high mileage e46 M3…. **plate not included
  12. Vass

    E46 Bits & Bobs

    Have various bits collected over the years that someone might find more use for. I've kept most as spares but don't mind clearing a bit of space either. Shoot a message for whatever you need. Would prefer local pickup (Halswell, Christchurch) but happy to post if I manage to find suitable packaging. More photos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yt7zfmkdrysih7x/AAB_g7gtd1TopykigBSSmjgDa?dl=0 AUX adapter cable - $10 (Check if your headunit is compatible - https://e46radio.com/e46-radio-cd-tape-md-aux/) Brake booster - $50 ABS unit - $100 Front bumper foglights - $20 Came off a non-msport facelift sedan, not sure what other models they'll fit. Radiator top hose - $10 Dated 2017. Centre console compartment for HVAC unit - $20 Suits a double-din setup, holds an HVAC unit snug as opposed to a sunglass compartment. Bottom clips broken but should still sit securely against the gearshift surround. HVAC unit - $20 LCM - $40 Auto trans thermostat (unused) - $30 Final stage resistor - $20 Clock spring - $50 Blower motor - $50 Wiper linkage & motor - $100 Space saver spare wheel - $20 Air vents, switches, bumper shocks/mounts, hood & boot struts - $5 a pop
  13. Hello everyone, hope all is well. I'm currently in the works of replacing the bushings on my E46 chassis and have found that the rear trailing arm bushings have shot at 180,000kms. Two are to be replaced which is not too hard but the tool required isn't common so I was wondering if anyone on the forum would know any shops in Auckland that would have this particular tool for hire? Purchasing a $150 tool (80 + shipping from UK/EU) for a one-off job seems a bit overkill. Any knowledge in regards to this would be greatly appreciated, Thank you so much!
  14. This is a used imported part that I got into the country from England . It’s now not needed as the technician made a mistake in his advice as to what was needed . This part is the correct part for my yr 2000 E46 330ci cabriolet. You can check if it will fit yours by referencing the part numbers in the pic . The key number for my car was that number that ran as 358 375 444 …. I fitted the part and scanned it . It has no embedded faults and also reported ( correctly) what my fault was . ( a solenoid) Heads up …. These ecu are actually fairly reliable, if you have a roof fault it’s likely something else playing up . Having told you that . It’s still worth buying as a spare , cause you won’t get another anytime soon if you do need one . I know this as real world experience The trademe price is 200 dollars If you are interested , contact me , or make an offer from your phone in the mobile TM application . cheers les
  15. Thought I'd share today's arrival, very exciting times! Karbonius CSL Air intake - Box, Snorkel. Have decided to go with carbon fiber trumpets over OEM plastic trumpets. Carbon Fiber M3 GTR Style Vented Bonnet. Muffler (already on my car): https://www.agency-power.com/shop/titanium-muffler-exhaust-bmw-m3-e46/ My M3: http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/59830-new-forum-member-on-the-north-shore-e46-m3/
  16. I have a modified TV module with a digital tuner card installed for sale. see: Webpage. Plug and play, no changes required. Just swap out your obsolete module and get TV again.. $150
  17. Well I bought a set of BBS RK500's a few months ago and have been restoring them since. I snapped one bolt when reassembling them so took it to the local wheel repair shop and they managed to crack the barrel in several places and swear it wasn't them who damaged the wheel, ignoring my proof of the barrel without cracks before I dropped them off. So unfortunately I'm on the hunt for just one 17x8 ET38 BBS RK500 Barrel. It's a long shot but I've spent way to much on these wheels to give up now. Wiling to travel across NZ
  18. So recently I've had a load of issues with my e46 320i. It's at the point where I think the engine is reaching the end of its days or at the very least less and less worth it to repair I had a misfire, changed all the plugs and coils seemed OK then misfire again its at around 240k miles. Haven't taken it in again as I don't know what it is now. I was planning on a m54b30 swap but don't know if its worth it anymore. There's a few cosmetic and other things that are needed to. The big thing is I really want to keep the hellrot color one of the big reasons I got it. Odds of finding a 330i hellrot with a sunroof are pretty low. Although I just started looking. Posting here just to get some advice, should I try to swap and fix her up or cut my losses. I can admit I'm overly sentimental about it. Anyone had a similar situation or any advice would be appreciated.
  19. on the hunt for a reasonably tidy somewhat low Ks e46 330i sedan or wagon, preferably wagon. will pay a premium for factory manual and low ks however unlikely, converted manual is ok as long as ZF and certified not in a rush to buy and happy to wait for the right car Big plus if under 130,000 kms, dark interior, all the problematic maintenance records eg. rear subframe reinforced, gaskets, control arms ect. Could go upto $15-20k depending.
  20. I have an E28 with an M54B30 in it (and manual box) from an E46/E34 (box). Its great. As its a custom job I had to make up my own intake. I made an inverted cone (venturi, vortex) style intake. I later found there is an aftermarket company making a commercial version for a couple of grand a pop. Photos of my design below. I also designed a new ducted heatlight cover (from back of E28 headlights straight to intake). Been running it for over a year now, hot and cold weather, no issues. I made it from carbon fiber infused PETG though I might switch to Polycarbonate (which is a bitch to print but is even tougher as a material). It goes well and sounds loud. Too loud for my liking. So Id love to make a "version" of the mythical and sadly now NLA BMW Performance Intake for the E46. This one: https://www.ecstuning.com/b-genuine-bmw-parts/bmw-performance-air-intake-no-longer-available/13720429613/ Its dyno tested as delivering the top performance for all intake replacements. Not sure how or why its so good as Ive never seen it in person. Short of borrowing one from someone for measurements in person (any in NZ??), I'd need photos of every part of it, measurements or some sort of scale. Anyone up for saving this part of E46 history before its gone gone?
  21. I have doubts about the swap when the electrical wiring, does anyone know if I have a DME from the 1.8 wiring if it is compatible for the new m54 engine, I had an accident with my e46 330ci and it was declared a total loss and I have a complete car to do a swap which I want to do on my z3. If someone could help me I appreciate it, thanks
  22. Hey All. First time BMW owner in the Bay of Plenty, call me whatever you want tbh haha. Thought since i'd like to keep my euro 1999 e46 m54 silbersaloon around a while. These cars do funny things, lastnight the radiator bleeder screw decided to break with 2/3rds of it still in the hose to go along with the self-lubricating cassis and leaky radiator, eh the expansion tanks holding strong lol. Ive been lurking as a visitor since July 2022 cant look from the outside in forever though. So, it's nice to be amongst knowledgeable folks :)
  23. E46 M3 Coupe Interior bits. Rear seats, front & rear door cards & silver trim all in great condition. Not sure what to value these bits at bought as a set but only needed the front seats, everything else is surplus.. Not sure what to value this at but message me what you’re after - 0275253050 Will potentially ship if buyer pays shipping but would prefer pick up in Rangiora. Sorry front seats aren’t available.
  24. www.euroitalianparts.com Euro-Italian Car Parts NZ Ltd stock a large range of BMW and Fiat Service parts, supplying both the wholesale and retail trade throughout New Zealand. We import only quality OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) parts from Europe and the USA, and all the parts we sell are guaranteed. For over 30 years, the company now known as "Euro Italian Car Parts NZ Ltd" has served the greater Auckland and NZ region with an impressive selection of original and high quality auto supplies that are made to last. Specialists in BMW parts, Euro Italian has supplied parts from older E21, E28, E30 to E46 BMWs...and beyond as well as Fiat/Alfa Spares from older 850s, 125s, 127s, Alfa 33s etc. to modern ranges, and also VW/Audi and Mercedes Benz. We also specialise in E30 BMW parts. Newly-appointed general manager, Rodney Lingham, has had over 30 years experience with classic, European and British cars, and is bringing a fresh, new look to Euro Italian's decades of excellence! As a result of his experience, under his tutelage, Euro Italian has re-branded and seeks to help both the home-enthusiast and also wholesalers and other trade customers with their queries! We now ship Nationwide across New Zealand , from Northland to Southland, and have a range of local, hard-to-find and International suppliers. Mention Bimmersport when you visit Euro-Italian and receive a 15% discount on in-store stock lines. Opening Hours 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday By appointment (Saturday) Ph: +64 9 444 9817 After hours / WhatsApp: +64 27 446 6547 Email: [email protected] Website: www.euroitalianparts.com Address 15 C Saturn Place (off Paul Matthews Rd) North Harbour Albany Auckland See our video, below: For all your BMW parts needs.mp4
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