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Office Women adjusting the f**king Office wide temperature because they are Hot/Cold/Feel a Breeze.

I'm in a large open plan office. The air con guys get called in very often. I talked with one of them and he's convinced it's all related to the ladies periods.

As I tell the women complaining it's cold - you can put more clothing on. I can't take anymore off! Well I could but then they'd be complaining about something else...

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some of the offices i go into are like stepping off the plane in Barbados. was in one Monday and they had it set at 24 degrees

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Office Women adjusting the f**king Office wide temperature because they are Hot/Cold/Feel a Breeze.

Two women in the same office, one moaning they are hot, the other cold. I once suggested they swap desks and they looked at me like I told them to each their children!

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Feaken hospitals......

My little girl is far too used to the routine yet is barely 3.

And this is my second rant in a week....... That will teach me

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Meh. Landlord selling the house. Can't blame him in this market. The trick now is to find a house that allow for five cars and two cats...on the North Shore

Mind you its the move in costs that screw you... Some get up to the $3000 mark. Ouch

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I'm in a large open plan office. The air con guys get called in very often. I talked with one of them and he's convinced it's all related to the ladies periods.

As I tell the women complaining it's cold - you can put more clothing on. I can't take anymore off! Well I could but then they'd be complaining about something else...

Open plan is the worst. We have one side set on 21 cooling, the others 21 warming. We put all the people who think its cold in the warming half, and the ones who think its hot, in the cooling side.

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^ but that would be applying logic to the situation. Instead we have dozens of team leads and managers, each fighting to enlarge their personal fiefdom, squabble amongst themselves to decide where people sit.

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People who have a small nose to tail in the right hand lane and stop right wherever the f**k they are.

Ffs, you have a bent bumper and smashed tail light, just drive to the next exit and exchange insurance details.

I saw this the other day. i was like 3 cars behind. They were in the left lane and it was so minor. 5m forward there was a grass verge but the dude got out and started waving his arms at all the cars to stop.

It was on the southern motorway FFS. Get your head out of your arse before you cause 10 more accidents.

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^^ Yup, don't forget the urge to wander about on the motorway pointing at minor damage on the car, whilst on-coming traffic tries to miss you!

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^^ Yup, don't forget the urge to wander about on the motorway pointing at minor damage on the car, whilst on-coming traffic tries to miss you!

"I had to swerve three times before I hit him..."

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NO..... I can't service your E90 323i for $98 dollars like Oil Changers have quoted you and I cant do front pads, rotors & wear sensors for $350 you got quoted by a "Pit Stop " Branch, and..... I don't f**ken work on Sundays... I go to church and pray for all you toss heads that can't afford to own a BMW and look after it properly

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5m forward there was a grass verge .....

It was on the southern motorway FFS.

To be fair though, if his car was leaking coolant, it would have overheated in the 40 minutes spent driving to the grass verge.

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Tooth cavities and especially when the wisdom tooth next to it needs to come out to get to the cavity...

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1.5 hours into my 12 hour working day.... at my monday - friday 8-4.30 job :mellow:

Another day tomorrow :blink:

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Auckland house prices.... Seriously, who is paying $1.25 million for a smallish 3 bedroom place in Ellerslie?? Come on people, it's not beach front in Takapuna!

And don't get me started on houses that look OK, but everything feels cheap when you touch it.

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If I see another hipster beard driving an E30 'vert then I am going to have to put mine up for sale, I don't want to look like an old man trying to hard to be cool.

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^ guess we'll see it up on trademe in a couple of weeks cuz thats probably how long it will take till u see one. i actually saw a red e30 vert this afternoon looked pretty hipster to me. Do'h

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Only takes a couple of weeks to get a beard growing. I have some tight jeans you can try out... and a swandry to keep you warm with the roof down.

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Only takes a couple of weeks to get a beard growing. I have some tight jeans you can try out... and a swandry to keep you warm with the roof down.

And a man bun

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Clip in man bun should do it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The bill from wisdom teeth removal

Public health system fixes that, haven't waited too long and bill will be around $300 for all 4. And done under GA.

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People who drive under the speed limit in an 80km area, but then speed when it changes to the 50km area. Wtf???

And people who drive Nissan tedias

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people who brake for no reason on the motorway? wtf?Is it because they glance at the speedo and see 105?

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